Regret It

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(Robb Stark)

He stood with a blank face beside his father's tent. But his eyes were anything but blank. Anger was as visible as daylight in his eyes, and he did nothing to hide it.

When the previous night he saw his father enter the Queen's tent, he was tempted to run inside and see what in the seven hells was happening. But he decided to be patient. So he waited some time before making his way to Daenerys' tent.

It was already dark. Dark enough to hide him from the eyes of her guards. She was well guarded, but most of her guards stood too far away from where he snuck up to the tent.

When he reached the tent, he immediately understood what was happening. There was no mistaking the sound coming from the inside.

But he had to know for sure. He had to be sure that it was his father there with the Queen, before accusing anyone of anything.

A little crack in the tent, was enough to provide him with a sight he never wished to see again. And it was enough to prove that he was correct in his assumptions.

His father was fucking the Dragon Queen.

Even now as he stood before his father's tent in the cold breeze, images of last night popped in his mind. He closed his eyes trying to rid himself of those memories, as anger bubbled in his chest.

He snapped his eyes open when he heard movement in his father's tent.

A few seconds later his father exited the tent.

All he could see is red, as he swung his fist at his father before he could even see him standing there.

His fist hit its target, and his father slightly stumbled from the blow.

The next moment his father turned to face him with a confused expression on his face.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

But Robb didn't care about what his father was asking.

He wasted no time before trying to punch his father again.

But his father managed to turn away.

Robb was too far gone to see the guards around them that were running and calling for Ser Barristan and the Queen.

Robb launched himself at his father, and this time his father couldn't turn away before he pushed him onto the ground.

His father didn't punch him in return, but he tried to hold back his arms.

Robb continued punching his father at the best of his abilities. Until his father managed to push him off. Before Robb could throw himself at his father again, a few guards held him back.

His father didn't try to continue the fight, he simply looked angrily at him. His eyes were a mix of confusion and disbelief at his son's actions.

Before it could get any further, Ser Barristan arrived at the scene. While he still struggled against the guards. The few punches he managed to land on his father were not enough to cease his anger at his father.

Barristan was the first to speak.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

But Robb was only focused on his father.

"You bastard. You lying bastard!"

Barristan looked between the two Starks before letting out a heavy breath. He turned to the guards holding Robb.

"Bring him to his tent. It seems he has some things to discuss with his father."

Robb finally stopped struggling and let the guards drag him away. The entire time he kept his eyes on his father. He hoped his father could see just how betrayed he felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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