A Dragon's Dreams and Wishes

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I apologize for the serious lack of Dany/Ned content. Which is why I give you this chapter.


The cold sent a shiver down her spine. Even with the fire burning, and all the warm furs, she felt the cold. After years spent across the Narrow sea under the warm sun, she had trouble adjusting to the colder weather of the Riverlands.

Her tent was amidst the Dothraki camp, to prevent Westerosi soldiers from seeking her out at night. They would first have to go through the Dothraki army.

But that wasn't the only reason why her tent was so far away.

If anyone from the Northern or Riverlands army found out what was happening at night in her tent, then there would be quite a few issues. Riverlands might pull out their support after being offended and dishonored in such a way. Robb Stark would be unhappy and might even leave her to fight alone for the Iron Throne. But most importantly, Ned would lose all respect, and honor, that he has earned over the years. The Stark's reputation would be ruined, and Ned would most likely lose his family.

Luckily her own armies didn't question, or care about what she was doing in her free time as long as she led them to victory.

Now she lay on her bed thinking about Ned. It has been days since the last time she has spent some time with Ned, alone. The last time they were alone was before they reached the Riverlands. Now he was staying with his family, talking with his bannermen, and spending all his free time anywhere but with her.

Of course she knew that it was expected. She knew that their relationship wouldn't be the same once they reached Westeros. And yet... And yet, she wished he would come to her.

She saw his glances, and felt the quick touches, and she knew he wanted the same.

And they both knew that it wasn't simple. They both knew that if anyone found out there would be trouble.

He was Warden of the North. A husband. A father.

And she was their future Queen. An exiled Targaryen. A childless widow.

He had to hold up appearances. He had to become the cold northern lord once again.
The quiet wolf.

A completely different man, than the one he was in Essos. Of course he still brooded and stayed quiet most of the time in Essos. But as time passed he became bolder. And now he had to hide that boldness, to appease the Westeros Lords.

But when she looked into his eyes, she still saw the same passion. And that one thought kept her hopeful. Hopeful that he will come to her once again.

If he wasn't staying with his family, then she would have gone to his tent. Her patience was running thin.

She understood why they couldn't meet. But it didn't stop her from waiting, dreaming, and feeling slight jealousy.

Daenerys noticed Robb Stark's wandering gaze. He probably suspected something. Or perhaps even knew something.

If he knew then he probably thought that she seduced Ned to gain the North's support.

If only he knew that she loved Ned...

After today's meeting, Robb would be even more suspicious. She named Ned because he was her only Westerosi advisor who knew something about ruling. And also because she wanted to keep him by her side for as long as she could.

Their relationship couldn't last forever. He warned her of that.

Yet she still wished that it could. That Ned could be by her side until the end of her days.

As if her wishes were heard by the gods, the flap of her tent opened, and the man she was thinking about entered.

She sat up, a look of confusion appeared on her face.

He stood there breathing heavily. She didn't know where he went after the meeting, he disappeared for a while. Now it was clear that he went to train. Or more likely to beat someone up.

She pulled her legs to the side of the bed and stood up.

"Ned? What are you doing here?"

He took her arm and pulled her closer. He brought their foreheads together and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I wished to see you. If you want me to leave..."

She shook her head.

"No. Don't go. But I thought you said you wouldn't be able to come while we are here."

He huffed.

"Damn them all."

Daenerys smiled slightly at his words. But she knew that it was said out of anger and he didn't actually mean it.

"You're angry."

He pulled his face away slightly and smirked.

"After you left, Robb got angry. And what he said made me angry."

Daenerys brought her hand up to the slight bruises on his knuckles.

"Who did you fight?"

He let out a heavy breath.

"The toughest of them all... A wall."

That made her chuckle.

When she noticed the redness of his knuckles, she worried. He rarely fought with someone. He always stayed calm and thought before doing something. His moves and words were well calculated. But she has already seen what he is capable of when he is angry.

She placed her hand on his cheek. Finally he was where she wanted him to be. Near her.

His hands were on her waist as he held her close to him.

She looked into his grey eyes. The anger that was there a few moments ago, was replaced by peace, and love.

He leaned down and kissed her.

Just a quick, loving kiss.

No matter how wrong it was, the kiss felt right. Not a passionate or lustful kiss. Just a light kiss on her lips. A kiss that would only be exchanged between people that loved each other.

And she truly loved him.

At that moment she found herself not caring how others saw their relationship. The only thing that mattered was them.

So she pulled him down for another kiss. A much more passionate kiss. His hands pulled her even closer, if that was even possible, and her own hand were now on his shoulders.

They fought for control over the kiss as she slowly walked back, pulling him with her to her bed. Even if she knew that it wasn't the best decision.

She found herself not caring. And it seemed that he didn't care either because he didn't resist.

Neither did he try to stop her when she unlaced his tunic.

She let him unlace the back of her dress and pull it down.

Before she pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top.

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