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Renly is not dead, but he doesn't have the Reach, who decided to ally themselves with the Lannisters.

Okay, we're back to Robb's point of view. He needs to fix his relationship with his father. And He becomes even more suspicious of the Dragon Queen's intentions.


It has been two days since his fight with his father.

After the argument his father stormed out. He has never seen his father so angry. He has never seen such rage in his cool grey eyes.

And it worried him.

His mother was right. His father changed while he was in Essos.

And she was also right when she said that they didn't have time for petty squabbles amongst each other.

He spent the two days training with his bannermen and squires. And he hasn't seen his father even once.

But today he decided that it has gone on for too long. They were about to move out to meet with Renly Baratheon. They have already agreed that he would keep his place as Lord of Stormlands if he bent the knee to Daenerys and fought by their side.

The Tyrells had allied themselves with the crown. But his father assured him that they could easily be persuaded to side with Targaryens. The Greyjoys were another problem.

Now Robb was walking to his father's tent. He decided that they needed to discuss their argument, and come to an understanding. They both said some heated words, and Robb felt bad for how they left their relationship.

They were father and son. They had to be united.

And Robb knew he made some mistakes. He couldn't deny that he has done some questionable things during this war.

As he neared his father's tent he noticed that there were more guards than usual.

One of the guards immediately called out to his father when he saw him approaching. It was one of the Unsullied.

Robb stopped not far from the entrance and waited for the guards to let him in.

Instead the Dragon Queen appeared from the inside with a slight smile.

Well that explained the extra guards.

Robb bowed his head.

"Your grace."

She smiled in return.

"Robb Stark."

He tried to smile, but he was too nervous about the upcoming conversation to think about the Dragon Queen.

She walked past him and her guards followed her. He watched her leave before he was finally let in by one of the Unsullied.

His father's tent was cold. Cold and empty.

There were only his weapons, one chest for clothes, a bed, and a table.

It almost seemed as though he didn't actually spend any time here.


His father let out a heavy breath.

"Robb. You wish to speak?"

"Yes. I... uh.. Mother was right."

His father smirked.

"I believe she is right most of the time."

Robb smiled at that. Perhaps his parent's relationship was slowly being fixed.

"I'm sorry about what I said after the meeting. I had no right to judge you. I know I have done much wrong. I was simply angry."

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