A girl

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- Arya doesn't arrive at the Red Wedding, she joins her family a bit later because they already left the Twins.
- She did not see her father's execution because Joffrey told everyone he executed Ned Stark in the black cells.


Walder Frey was dead.

Yet she still found herself thinking of the old cunt.

She wished he would suffer more before his death. She wished she could have killed him herself. Because she would have given him a slow and painful death.

But her father was here, and he was the one to execute the traitor.

Her father was the only reason she still hadn't run away from the Riverlands. If he hadn't appeared just in time to stop her from running away, she would have never learned of his presence. She didn't even know that he was alive.

But while she was once again arguing with her mother, her father entered the tent with the Dragon Queen by his side. And suddenly everything changed.

Now after the traitor was executed, her father was alive, her brother was alive, and her mother was alive, she had no good reason to run away. But she still felt odd amongst her family.

She missed them all. She truly did. But they still treated her as they did back in Winterfell.

Her father was busy all day long, her mother followed Robb everywhere, and Robb was either training or discussing battle plans. Once again she felt like the forgotten Stark.

In Winterfell everyone only paid attention to Sansa. But now that Sansa was not here, they still ignored her. They kept telling her that she was a child, and a child had no place in the middle of a war.

And she understood why. At least part of her understood that the entire North was at stake here, alongside their family.

But the other part of her kept telling her that this wasn't right.

She was the only one who has met Tywin Lannister. She had read his battle plans. She had seen how he works, how he commands, and how he plans his battles. She has seen his advisors. However when she tried telling her family something, they ignored her.

They tried to push her into dresses, give her flowers and embroidery. As though a dress and some flowers could make her forget everything that she has been through in the past couple of years. As though after killing so many, some thread and needles could stop her killer instincts.

She has noticed how her brother looks at her. As though she is some wild animal that might lash out at any moment. As though she has to be tamed. She has even heard him talk with his wife about how she looks like a killer, and how her eyes are full of anger.

The problem wasn't that she was forced to grow up and forget all about toys and stories. The problem was that they didn't wish to see her for who she really was, and tried to bring back the old Arya. but when they found out that the old Arya was gone they began ignoring her, they were unable to deal with the person she has become.

So she spent most of her days with Gendry. He worked with the other smiths fixing any weapons that were given to him. They became closer over the time they spent together. He felt more like family to her than her own brother, as much as she hated to admit it to herself.

The Hound became another constant presence in her life. He trained her with a sword, and let her beat up stupid squires. He began tolerating her company when she stopped talking so much. He wasn't afraid of pointing out her brother's stupidity and didn't care about the stupid lords.

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