Chapter 5: The Nightclub And Meeting

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During the Adventure Aizen Had walking towards Mistral, He has came across many interesting things such as animal like people who he knew them to be called Faunus and the weapons that is regularly used to combat Grimm and other enemies are able to change to a Plain weapon and a gun.
Those transforming weapons are very interesting however what caught his eyes was this thing people called Dust.

He wonders the extant and the limitations of such small piece of work that holds elemental Source and if somehow he is able to contain those forces without the vessel of the rock.


Aizen has finally entered the first part of Mistral City, The Lower Levels.

At first it didn't look so bad however, Aizen knew that Looks can fool another if their eyes ain't open.
He noticed many things within the shadows of alleyway and a few abandoned building. There was blood here and there. Not in public, most likely to make sure the city doesn't get a enough of a bad reputation then it already does towards tourist is what He would of have to guessed.

Aizen was wearing a white Yukata with purple Outlines and flowers with a Bright Silver Moon on the right part of the Clothing and a lake below it showing the Moon that is Blurry within the water as he walk around the lower part of Mistral.

Aizen would then come across a club.

He has heard a few rumors about this small establishment from locals who say "The Club Star is so good that I never realizes I gave her all my money" In a dreamy tone while others who Doesn't look as "clean" as the others whispers to one another about "the illegal business that happens in the basement gambling", foolish people who talk about illegal things in public will only bring trouble for those they work with.... truly foolishness behavior's, as expected from street rats.

However, He Decided to walk towards this club since it's night time, he needs some more information about a certain plan that he is cooking up.

He enters the club and hears singing. Normally it's normal to hear some type of performance in the club at night but Aizen knew that this singing isn't like the others. It reminded him of some kind of relaxation that eases the mind the more you hear the song, and it is so addicting that you just can't get enough out of it that you zone out.

Of course He wasn't affected in the slightest so he ignore them and watched as a lady who was singing walking around the club acting normal but Secretly stealing all those fools wallets without being noticed. she was skillful to say the least, her use of her semblance and her skills as a pickpocketers is those of experienced people who has being doing this for a long time.

After a bit Aizen grab the lady hand that was trying to enter his pocket.

Aizen: Naughty naughty~ stealing is bad don't you know *smiles*

The lady that is known as Honey Wine quickly tried to yank her hands away but the grip strength of Aizen was easily not affected in the slightest by her strength. In that short instant honey wine  gets up close to Aizen and sang a few words.

Honey: Hey handsome, why not relax a little, cant a girl grab a bit of taste of a handsome jock as yourself~

Aizen: *still smiling* my apologies miss but I suggest you to stop.

Honey: Awww No need to resist so much, just relax and you will be in pleasure land~

Honey got even closer to Aizen and rubbing her finger along of Aizen face and pulling her finger down towards his lower chest

Honey got even closer to Aizen and rubbing her finger along of Aizen face and pulling her finger down towards his lower chest

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Honey: So Handsome, how about I give you a night you will never forget *smile*

Aizen: *chuckles* I truly do appreciate the offer from such a spectacular lady such as yourself however, I must leave now *Says while letting go of Honey Wine Hand* It is quite late.

Honey: Aw~ very well sweetheart, have a Good night Handsome~

After that Aizen left the club with a smile on his face while Honey Wine had a annoyed face thinking not only did she failed to attract a handsome boy by her charms but it was like he just left her after a date without paying the bills and only came for the food and the food alone, which severely anger Her. 

Honey: That Brat.... He annoys me...TCH.

Aizen would then be outside of the club and opens his palms and smile when looking at a piece of paper.

Aizen: Oh~ Now this Is Interesting...


(Now that Aizen Has finally In Mistral, what kind of trouble he would find while at his stay in There! And what is that Piece of paper that He stole From The Lovely Singer!)

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