Chapter 7: The Timeskip And New Allies?

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Aizen has being teaching Roman Hand to Hand fighting techniques, Roman was very good at bare hand fighting that Aizen wouldn't be surprised that Roman could knock out 2 trained huntsman at the same time though as long as the huntsman are fools and doesn't keep a constant training schedule to get stronger. now Roman choice of weapon to say the lease was very... unique but if used correctly can certainly surprise the enemy as long they don't know what the cane can do that good nevertheless Aizen taught him how to effectively way to fight with a Cane but the cane that Aizen gave Roman wasn't as strong as normal weapons but will last in a long and tough situation should it be called for it.

Speaking Of Which, while Roman has being doing his usual stuff of robbing people near the club to gain a extra source of money for the fun pf it and to put his training to the test. Aizen has being investigating The Spider Organization and already found few backways of the order furthermore, Aizen was still very impressed of The crime organization roles to keep the huntsman and local police force or even the atlas military to stay out of their way and keep hidden. most likely bribes to the corrupted police force to send misinformation to the huntsman academy and atlas monthly reports for the parts that has atlas guards protecting the area.

Not to mention Aizen has Already found a person he never knew could exist or at least never heard them being real. never the less, he plans on meeting them for a few things that will help him and his plans and made up back up plans when meeting this person and a potentially a small or big group of people. of course Aizen is prepared for the worst to happen but is nearly certain this meeting....will be very....beneficial. 

Back to Roman, Roman knew a few things about Aizen but that list of things he knows can hardly be called a list with the limited information he had, not to mention Roman also knew Of Aizen true looks Afterall, it will show Roman that Aizen isn't always gonna hide and keep Roman in the dark to which he appreciated it for.

Back to Roman, Roman knew a few things about Aizen but that list of things he knows can hardly be called a list with the limited information he had, not to mention Roman also knew Of Aizen true looks Afterall, it will show Roman that Aizen isn't a...

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Roman had to Stops asking Aizen about His past Once Aizen With a single hit, knocked Roman out, If Roman had anything to say about Aizen and it would be "That Guy Is Way To Monstrously Strong".

During the training period, Aizen Unlocked Roman Aura after giving A constant hard training before hand of unlocking his aura to help him improve his potential of having a stronger Body should his aura ever decides to break. Afterall Aizen already knew that roman doesn't have the good soul to have a aura mostly likely from the bad family genetics of a family that didn't have the use of aura in the bloodline so no aura genetics never passed on to Roman which ends up making his aura weaking then a child who did 3 months training at high intensity.

Roman was up to his usually things of knocking out people outside of the club since Aizen left for "business"  or at least that what Aizen calls them when he completely Disappears for a while, Not like Roman was mad, though it did made him annoyed since he wouldn't have any back up for him during his daily routine. Aizen is now just Wondering around Remnant to meet up with this "Person" all for Roman knows at least with Roman now there something bad about to happen.

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