Chapter 13: Exam Day

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2 Days has passed and Today is when the 1st Years Will be heading to beacon to Partake in the Exam to be Beacon Students as well be in a 4 person Team that they will stay with for the rest of the years they will be at Beacon for. Aizen Walked to the base once More after leaving the Underground Research Centre He decided to visit before heading to Beacon.

Aizen: Hm, Everything so far is going good and will proceed as Expected.

Aizen stopped and look down to see a angry Pink/Brown girl that had a angry look and puffy cheeks staring him down or Up. 

Aizen: You need something Neo?

Neo would look away after punching Aizen chest to which caused Aizen would have the look of confusion.

Aizen: What did I do wrong?

Neo starts typing. 

Neo: [Why did you come back to the base yesterday and left me alone on Saturday Night!            ヽ(#'Д')ノ    ]

Aizen: I was busy and needed to do some research of some things that came up. 

Aizen spoke Calmly not even reacted to Neo Attempts to be Angry with him.

Aizen: Now i have to go to Beacon to prepare for the new students.

As he says this, he walks away well tries to before Neo grabs his sleeve stopping him.

Aizen: Something else you need?

Neo would then nods and point at the ground and quickly runs to the side of the wall they were in and just as quiet she would run in and placed a Box? in his arms.

Neo: [I Bought you a Small Ice-cream Filled Chocolate For Today!]

Neo: [I Bought you a Small Ice-cream Filled Chocolate For Today!]

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Aizen would have a grateful expression and a smile which made Neo also smile seeing Aizen Happy.

Aizen: Thanks Neo for the chocolate. Im sure it will Taste Amazing.

Neo Gain a Red Blush on her cheeks and she skips away happily after Saying/Texting Her Goodbyes and Aizen would leave after placing the box in his Pockets and head to the Transportation Station to get a Bullhead to Beacon.

30 Minutes has Passed and Aizen is now on the cliff with Ozpin and Glynda waiting for the Bullhead to bring the Children to the cliff to throw them off it.

Aizen: Wouldn't they get hurt if they get thrown off the cliff?

Ozpin: It Is What It Is, not to mention its fun pressing a button that causes that to happen. It is one of the perks of being a Headmaster Afterall don't take this away from me.

Ozpin Coughs and changes the subject.

Ozpin: Now we just have to wait for the Students to arrive and then we will start the Test. Speaking of them, Here they come now.

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