Chapter 4: The Saviour Of The Village

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We now see Aizen Staring At the soulless dark creature.

Aizen would walks behind of the beast and shoves Kyōka Suigetsu in its back and releases his Reiatsu though his blade and into the monster

This creature starts to shake till it passed out within seconds


Aizen has been inspecting this creature till he decided to kill the beast to see what happens since it's a soulless monster but the creature slowly turn into dust disappointed normally this would sadden any researcher however Aizen expected this to happen.

Aizen: *sigh* I need more information since these creatures are truly unique and it's like a hollows of sorts but have a sort of hive Mind, and yet it doesn't talk to each other just sense what others that is around them are feeling..... As hollows attracted to the souls with powerful Reiatsu , and as these creatures are attracted to emotions....perhaps the stronger emotions that is emitted around them the stronger their senses get but is blocked by their instincts to kill and attack the source of emotions....
Well this is just a theory till I find out more...


Aizen has been wondering the strange forest where he follows the soulless Creatures where he finally ends up at  till he ended up finding a burning village where people seem to be running and screaming for help so being the "kind" random person that appeared out of nowhere he decides to assist the burning villagers to deal with the Soulless creatures.

Aizen would walks to the village and pulls out his sword and casually deal with all the creatures that came to attack him and protected multiple family's from being eaten alive. Soon After the (Hard Fought) battle came to the end, all the surviving villagers gather around Aizen and thanks him for protecting them and cheered/Thank him.

Villager 1: Thank you sir!
Villager 2: Your so Strong!
Villager 3: Are You A Huntsman?                                                                                                                              Villager 4: Thank you For saving Me and my family Kind Sir!                                                                    Villager 5: Ha-ha Those Grimm Deserve it!                                                                                                                  Villager 6: Marry Me!

After all the praises that came from the villagers towards Aizen, an tall Old man came walking towards Him and started to speak to the village savior.

Village leader: Thank you for saving my small village Huntsman sir.

(A cookie for those who know him🍪)

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(A cookie for those who know him🍪)

Aizen: *smile* it was no problem at all sir, I'm more then happy to assist and I do apologies for not coming sooner to help those who could of been saved... 

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