Chapter 6: The Strange Ally

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Aizen Has Been In Mistral for over 2.5 months and been doing many things.

He has been information hunting and learnt of the crime syndicates within all of the 4 kingdoms. And the biggest underground Group was Called "Spiders" the same group That lovely Singer was from and their hideout is a club behind the Club and the leader of the group was "Lil' Miss Malachite".

Trust me, She wasn't Lil in anyways.

Anyways Aizen has already been watching the operation of The Spiders and was quite impressed that How Every crime syndicates or just thugs around the lower level of Mistral Always avoid People with a spider Tattoo on them not to mention the operation of the Spiders seem to be completely organized that doesn't do what other thugs would and cause a big scene, they seem to be smarter and stay in the shadow and only make themselves known in the underground world and became feared from that status.

Aizen currently was sitting on a chair under a umbrella watching a certain Teen that he saw potential in. This Teen he heard only very few people talk or at least a few rumors About a few drunken rich people who says "Go to the club and drink and you will become poor".

Others took it as they got too drunk and wasted all their Lien on the female singer, but Aizen Already knew the truth. A Certain Teen takes the Lien and sometimes clothing's Of Drunken people that walk out of the club at night. Not only that but He knew the range of the Singer Song Influence and stayed just out of range of it at the Right time almost like he already knew perfect distance to keep safe from the song influence so the same as the perfect time to attack by the location that people that "passed out" would regularly wake up or be found at.

Aizen started to walk in the club with the same looks he had.

Aizen stayed in the club for awhile and made sure he stayed near some passed out drunken fellows next to him to give him the scent of a drunken man, after a a bit Aizen is walking wonky like he is Zoned out and left the club while using his Umbrel...

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Aizen stayed in the club for awhile and made sure he stayed near some passed out drunken fellows next to him to give him the scent of a drunken man, after a a bit Aizen is walking wonky like he is Zoned out and left the club while using his Umbrella As a Cane to help him walk.


(????? POV:)

another night and another day and another time to survive in this hell hold we call life *sigh* it has been over 10 months since I entered and stayed at Mistral.

The folks are Boring same with the thugs.... They all just so... plain... They all act like others do but what's good is how just easy it is to Pickpockets the poor drunken fools that leave that bar.

This strange person starts Staring at the club.

Got a lot of lien from this method. Not clean but if it gives me lien then I don't care at all. Though the pay of this isn't much since sometimes they use all their Lien after being pickpocketed by that singer or Sometimes the people who leave the club is hardly drunk or zoned out and I have to fight and knock out the people and take their stuff.

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