Chapter 3: The Arrival

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For Over 4 Years, Aizen Has been using the Almighty to observe the Mortal realm and soul society.

Aizen grew distant after watching the peace that was made after Yhwach defeat.

He wondered over the years what's next, Afterall the very thing he hated the "Soul King" is now dead and the new "Soul King" being Yhwach is also dead.

Aizen knew once he was freed from his prison but quite comfortable chair, the whole being the new god for everyone to see his viewpoint and Understand what he understand will not be as useful currently where the world is set.

There will be even more stronger potential enemies should he try it once he is set freed.

Not that he is afriad but quite the opposite, he's annoyed but quite happy that everything is now peaceful. There is no more soul king. And no one to control him nor limit his movement. Yes the law is still there but the being on top to sit on that empty throne is still burning inside of him.


However on a certain day.

Aizen was watching as Ichigo plays with his son while laughing and smiling

Aizen: ...

Aizen froze in shock and instantly look at his stump of a left arm as it suddenly was dripping.....Ooze?

Aizen: what's this now? seems it's the Almighty again.....

What appeared to be a left arm that was covered In Ooze and so Aizen shook his left arm even after years of being separated from it after the final fight

Aizen: interesting not only is my left arm is finally back even after all these seals but now all the seals that was there is gone....*grins* good....

However a few moment of time stopped to which Aizen instantly noticed


A few moments has passed and Aizen entire vision was covered not by darkness of the Muken but something else..... In a quick instantly Aizen Releases his Reiatsu after feeling something totally off.

Suddenly Aizen opens his eyes after holding back his Reiatsu.......but.....something wasn't right... The feeling that he felt from being in the bottom of Muken was gone and the environment around him suddenly changed.

Aizen: ...what's this...

Aizen noticed a strange light that was coming from Infront of him and that....He....was able to move?

Aizen: it appears that I'm no longer bounded to this chair... However....* Aizen looks down at his clothing's* the seals are still there but very slowly is weakening.... That's good but what's bad is where am I....?

Despite the New situation Aizen found himself in, he adapted to the situation made a discission to figure out what happened since he understands he shouldn't be free from Muken yet. Aizen slowly walked to the light and instantly adapted to the light. suddenly, something caught Aizen attention and that was the noticed the Landscape and the sky and The Half Destroyed moon? not to mention the normal feeling of Reiryoku in the air wasn't there. at least wasn't even comparable to the normal amount of Reiryoku that should be in a landscape such as this.

Aizen took notes of everything that was Infront of himself and the moon but what took the most notice of him wasn't the moon... No he was certainly surprised and wonder what happen but something that even made his spine chilled

Aizen place his hand on his chest and felt something... Wrong with it...

Aizen: This's not the Hōgyoku's my soul?.

Within a instant Aizen released a small amount of Reiatsu within his very soul and Aizen felt even more different, Aizen would describe the feeling as Being ruled by the Soul King once more or felt even more seals on him then that chair already had on him, he felt imprisoned before releasing his Reiatsu, but suddenly after doing that.

Aizen: how Interesting that feeling is now gone though something feels much different I need to get back to the matter at hand.... It appeared that I am not only in the soul society nor the mortal realm not the world of the hollows but somewhere entirely different. After a while of looking around from the top of a cave he was in, Aizen would Stare off to a weird looking creature that was black and white mask and also soulless.

If Aizen wasn't Aizen then he would of thought those creature was hollows but thanks to the hollow experiment. Aizen knew these are not Hollows to which Aizen Remembered what Yhwach Said about the Almighty That Aizen Absorbed a bit after the final fight.















Aizen: Hm... How Interesting... So Yhwach wasn't lying about this power potential... but now I got a much serious matter at hand, right now it's time to show this new world their new god. *Grins*


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