Chapter 0 /lucky first play/

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Paper and OJ had been best friends for years.
Never leaving eachothers side for anything but that would all change in one night.
However lets rewind to where it all begins.

Dec 7th 2012
The whole area could be heard from miles away the excited cheering coming from only two people none other than Paper and OJ.
"OJ!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID IT!!" The paper boy said "I KNOW!!" OJ said holding up the lottery ticket in hand.
OJ was never the type to risk money with the lottery however I guess you could say it destiny or beginners luck. However that one day would be a day Paper and Oj would never forget.
"So what do you plan on doing with the money Oj?" Paper said with a warm smile. OJ looked at him and looked at the check. "I'm not sure.." he became quite questioning an answer.
"You don't have to decide now Y'know" Paper said reassuringly however OJ cut him off "I have an idea" he said joyfully "I'm all ears!" Just then OJ grabbed Papers hands and smiled at him.
"Lets open a Casino!" OJ said to Paper excitedly as Paper gave a nervous glance.

Those words managed to change the course of these twos lives forever.

November 4th 2018
It had been almost 6 years since that day.
Many failures came along with it however the day had finally come.
Paper groaned as he felt his phone vibrate and opened it to see over 20 messages from OJ all of them written in a exciting tone?
Paper decided to read the last message sent from OJ.

O- Paper! We did it!!

P- Did what?

Paper replied back getting almost a immediate response

O- Casino OJ is finally open for business!!

Paper froze looking at his phone not quite sure how to feel.

This is going to be quite a adventure isn't it..

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