Chapter 4 /Growing fames/

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-Paper's pov-

I was scrolling through my phone as I felt the bus come to a hault.
I looked up seeing the tall orange building the bus had stopped right in front of and smiled.

I carefully got up being aware of the ones walking out of the bus around me and stepped off.
It seems like the casino was empty looking at the parking lot. I assumed later it would become more crowded knowing what was going to happen.

I walked into the building immediately seeing the bright flashy lights however as I predicted it was a lot emptier today.

I only looked around for a moment before making my way to the backstage hall.

I opened the door and began walking down to my office.
Once I got to my door I suddenly saw from the corner of my eyes some movement from OJ's office. I looked back and saw OJ having a conversation with Suitcase.
I guess she was probably giving him the work required for today so I just decided to leave them and walked into my office.

-OJ's pov-

I heard the door click as Suitcase left. I just decided to leave the papers on the desk since they didn't need to be done at least until tomorrow plus I did promised Paper I wouldn't push any work on him because of my game later on today.
I just sighed and looked at to see Paper's office light on. I figured he had probably arrived when I was talking to Suitcase.

I got up a decided to go check on him since I had a little bit of time before the place got too crowded.
I made my way over to his office door giving a slight knock. I heard a shuffle coming from inside before hearing a muffled "come in!"

"Hey Paper!" I said as I made my way into the room.
The interior was much different from the rest of the casino. Much neater.
"Oh! Hey OJ nice to see ya!" He said in his usual cheerful tone. I just smiled and walked over to a chair infront of Paper's desk.

"So you're here a lot earlier than yesterday I see" I chuckeled as I took a seat in the chair earning on nervous giggle from Paper.

"Heh.. Yeahhhh sorry. I didn't mean to wake up so late yesterday." He said opening his small work bag and taking some stuff out.

"It is no problem buddy! I is completely fine if you wake up late sometimes. Really the only issue was Knife being irritated about him having to give your work to you when you got here." I tried to say reassuringly as Paper laughed lightly.

"Yeah I remember him walking into the office. I am pretty sure he tried to kill me with his glare" Paper joked.
I laughed with him as the room fell into a comfortable silence. Which was soon to be broken by paper.

"So you nervous about tonight I hear?" He said as he took a seat in his chair.
"YES. Oh my gosh.. I can't believe one of the best poker players wanted to play with ME. Of all people" I said frustratingly as he giggled.
"Y'know.. You to have one of those best of the best titles, I am sure this person is just as scared to play against you as you are to them." Paper said in a calming reassuringly.

"Heh.. It is funny. Knife told me that almost exact same thing this morning" I said chucking slightly at the coincidence.

"See? I am sure you're going to great" he said smiling at me.
Man i don't understand how I got so lucky to be his friend. He has been almost nothing but kind to me even after I became all obsessed with this place.
He has never once made me feel bad about it.

"Thanks.." was all I could say to him.
The room once again filled with a silence that would this time not be broken.
I checked the time on the clock hanging over Paper's door and saw it was about time for me to head out into the main area. I got up and stretched then looked over to Paper.

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