Chapter 3 /Gifts & Distrust/

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April 22nd 2019

-Papers pov-

Beep beep beep!

A familiar beeping noised filled my ears at I slowly open my eyes.
I didn't feel tired nor grumpy about being awake though. Then again I don't recall having one of those OJ dreams either.

I smiled.
Those dreams must've just been out of nervousness or something similar to that. Me talking to OJ yesterday must have reassured me about our friendship.
I sighed being glad that was over and got up to get ready.

I happily put on my tie and prepped myself to look nice.
Once I thought I looked decent enough I decided to go out to get breakfast before heading to work. It shouldn't be to big of a deal since I did get up a couple of hours earlier.
I smiled as I grabbed my keys and left the house humming a familiar toon.

-Knifes pov-

I groanded while walking into OJ's office.

I saw him sitting in his seat looking at some files, presumably the work that the office workers here are left to do.
I rolled my eyes and walked infront of OJ's desk not quite catching his attention so I proceeded to make a cough noise which seemed to work.
He looked at at me and then gave a small smile.

"What are you doing here so early Knife?" OJ said looking back at the papers
"Thought I just check in on you. Make sure ya do get hurt" I said smugly as he chuckled.
"Nice of you to do Knife. But I am fine no need to check up on me"
"Mhm suuure" I said giving him a small smirk.
I suddenly noticed a look of concern seem to creep on his face as he looked at the files. I never really knew how to properly comfort people but he was one of my closest friends.
The least I could do it is try.

"Hey whats up? You seem nervous." I said trying to sound sincere.
"Oh.. it's nothing just thinking." He said.
"Bout what?"
"Uhm well can you promise not to tell anyone"
I nodded in concern as he sighed.

"I am a little nervous about todays poker game we have planned.. I- I mean the guy is supposed to be the best of the best!" He said putting the papers down and rubbing his head.
"Pssh so what? You're one of the best of the bests as well OJ!" I said.
"Thanks but... Still.. I can't remember the last time I was this nervous.. I mean, it got to the point I asked Paper to be with me during it!" He said putting his hands on his face.
"Embarrassing right? Asking your "best friend" to watch you play poker.."
I got quite during this part.

Out of everyone he could of asked for it was Paper?

What was so special about him?
I could've hyped him up the whole time if he wanted.
All Paper could do is sit and watch him he probably wouldn't show up if he didn't want to.
I just scoffed then looked at OJ.
"I think the real embarrassment is the fact you did ask anyone else as well." I said bitterly.
OJ let looked at me confused and I smiled.
"We all want to see you win buddy" I said while smiling.
OJ then chuckeled.
"Thanks Knife. You all can watch if you want. I only asked Paper because we are best friends and well.. I just feel like I could trust him to agree"

For some reason this statement stung a lot.
The fact that OJ couldn't trust me enough to ask.

I am one of his best friends.

He shouldn't have to doubt me.

"Well I'll be there for sure" I said trying to sound positive despite the last statement.
"Thanks..." OJ said as the room filled with awkward silence.
"Welp I gotta go make sure no one is trying anything out there. See ya OJ" I said exiting into the hall. Bumping into someone, knocking us both down.
"Watch it" I said sternly about to get up from the floor.
"O- oh! I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!! I was just trying to deliver these papers to Mr. OJ!!" Said a tiny tan and yellow Suitcase. I saw her rushing to grab the papers that had beem scattered around the floor.

I scoffed at the sight but bended down to help collect some of the papers. I mean I was kind of my fault so the least I could do was help.

The whole thing was pretty awkward since I never really talk to anyone who worked here besides OJ however I knew I would have to be the one to start a conversation.

"So uhm you're Suitcase right?" I said in a awkward tone which I don't think she seemed to notice.
"Uhm.. Yeah..?" She said in a confused tone which she immediately picked up on
"O- oh! Sorry I didn't mean to sound like that!! Its just- well.. you never really talk to anyone.." she said sounding slightly nervous.
I was already irritated about the whole OJ thing however I didn't want to come off as mean to her.
"Oh uhm.. sorry? I don't ever think people want to talk to me." I said handing her the papers
"Oh.. well it would be nice you get to know you!" She said smiling and taking the papers.
I tried my best to give a genuine smile back.
"Yeah.. uh maybw... 1well I gotta go. See you around I suppose." I said making my way out of the hallway
"Yeah see you" she said slowly walking towards the door leading the OJ's office.

I walked over to the door to the main room and opened it rather roughly.

It was a lot emptier than normal but I guess the must have been because of the fact it was so early.
I groaned and walked over to the bar area and caught the attention of the bar tender.

"Sup Knife. You're here rather early." He said in a cheerful tone.
"Hhmm.. never thought someone would notice something like that.. especially with me." I said pulling out one of the chairs and looking at the table.
I suddenly heard a chuckle come from him.
"Well I would agree if you weren't one of the few people everyone keeps talking about. I mean not counting the fact you are friends with OJ, your presence itself is already very noticeable" he said grabbing a large glass cup and walked over to the soft drink dispenser. I just sighed.
"I keep forgetting how many people work here sometimes" I said putting my hand over my face in annoyance as I heard the sound of the cup being placed right next to me.
"Thanks.." I mumbled about to take out my wallet to pay him when he suddenly spoke out.
"No need to pay this one is on the house man! Think of it as a gift for being the one person I can have a conversation with while working here." He said jokingly as he went back to cleaning some of the glass cups that piled in the sink.
I must have looked puzzled because when he looked back at me he laughed.
"Jeez you looked like I just committed a crime!"
"O-oh sorry I just am just not used to people doing something kind for me" I said grabbing the cup of soda and taking a large sip.
"Huh really I would have expected everyone to do something like that for you considering how threatening you must be to new people" he chuckled.
"Heh.. not really" looking at the drink. Before I never liked to be seen as threatening however once you get the job as a bodyguard at a casino it kind of becomes a compliment.

"Welp expect it more! You deserve it man!" He said turning back to the sink.

I guess I never thought I deserved much I always felt like I needed to earn everything I have.
This talk makes me kinda feel like... somethings I used to think were.. wrong..?
However, I don't plan to have this little talk change my mind. I just sighed and drank the rest of the soda.

I placed my cup down on the table.
"Well.. Thanks for listening by the way.." I said
"No problem Knife!" He said back.
"See ya.. Pickle" I said turning and walking away before I could hear him say anthing else.

It is time to start the day I suppose.

(Author note- Sorry this chapter took so long to get out 😭
I was having a writers block while making this so I hope it turned out well despite that- Also I promise the story is going to pick up soon AAA 💀)

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