Chapter 6 /An empty office/

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-Papers pov-

I tapped my fingers on the table absolutely stressing out after what I had found.
I was trying to think of a good reason how this happened.

I couldn't focus on anything else I couldn't.
Everything was dark.

The only sound I could hear was muffled questions coming from right in front of me.

I looked up at the card currently sitting on the center of my desk.

As OJ was pacing back in forth in that card.

"H- how did this even happen!? It isn't physically possible in fact I don't think it is possible to any of the scientific rules of ANYTHING!" he was yelling continuing to pace back and forth in the card.

I couldn't respond to all his questions... Or even one. Because I had the same exact questions he did.


"I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPEN OJ!! PLEASE GIVE ME A SECOND TO PROCESS THIS!!" I yelled back earning nothing but silence.

I put my head down feeling absolutely stressed meanwhile OJ continued to be completely silent.

I started to feel bad for yelling so I just looked up to check on OJ only to see him with his face in his palms seeming to be crying.
I quickly grabbed the card attempting to not startle him anymore than I already have.

"I- I can't believe it... I simply can't... I- I'm going to be like this forever... I- I" he began to panic which caused me to panic.

"Woah woah OJ it is ok... we'll figure something out I promise!" I said trying to comfort him.

"Paper! What if we can't fix this! What if I am stuck like this.! I- I am going to lose everything! My casino! My house! My money! Everything I have ever worked for!" He yelled which was a lot louder than you'd expect.

"SHH! OJ! What if that Phone hears you!" I yelled slightly above a whisper earning a scoff from the card? OJ?

"Psh like thay psycho finding out about me is out biggest problem" OJ yelled once again not caring for anything I had just said.

"Yes OJ it kind of is! What if he tries to kill you in.. whatever way it take to kill a card..?" I said confused but yet concerned looking down at OJ as he just groaned.

"So be it then. He has already taken everything from me!" OJ yelled once again this time with more rage lacing his tone.

I just sighed and placed the card back on the table blocking out all of OJ's protesting.
At this point OJ was just completely blinded by rage so I didn't bother trying to talk to him.

I turned my head to look at the clock and saw it was around the time for me to get going I sighed getting up and zipping my bag shut earning a look from the small OJ.

"What are you doing?" OJ said still having irritation laced in his tone.

"What do you think? I need to go home" I said with a quiet sigh.

"What about me!?" He yelled while I just gave a puzzled look.

"What do you want me to do? I can't take you to your house!" I yelled slightly above a whisper once again.

I looked back at OJ who seemed to be lost in thought which gave me a sting of sympathy.

"Listen OJ... I can try to take you with me if you'd like but, you can't keep yelling or else people will think I am crazy for talking to a inanimate card!" I yelled while slightly picking the card back up which caught OJ's attention.

"O- ok... thanks.." he said decently quiet as I just rolled my eyes and placed the card gently in my work bag avoding anything that could hurt him.

Once I thought he was decently hidden I began to walk out.

Walking down the hall and through the main room felt different.

Much darker and much quieter.

It was only around 7pm normally this place was filled with life however it was almost like walking through a closed library or doctors office.

I hurried my way through feeling very uneasy and made my way to the bus stop with only one other person there.

I just sat down not caring enough to spark a conversation with the stranger.

Once the bus got there I stepped on still watching my bag.

Once I felt the bus begin to start I suddenly went straight back into thought.

The bus ride felt like it took years. So many thoughts racing again. As I was lost in thought until I felt the bus come to a hault.
I looked and saw my stop so I got off.

I began walking down the dimly lit path to my apartment.
It was a lot colder than normal and I couldn't tell if it was the weather or if it was just me.
Once I reached the apartment I quickly entered and slammed my door shut.

I knew no one could see what was happening but for some reason I still felt so scared to talk to OJ especially in his current predicament.

After around 5 minutes I finally pulled the card out of the bag and saw OJ once again pacing around the card area. Once he saw he was taken out he immediately stopped and looked back at me.

"So... I guess this is going to be my life forever." He sighed looking upset which stung.

"Nonono I promise we are going to fix this!" I said optimistically earning a scoff from OJ.

"How!? There is so way stuff like this could happen! No one would have any answers!" He yelled which caused me to think for a moment before placing him down quickly and grabbing my computer out of my bag.

"What are you doing?" He questioned and I just shushed him.

"Shshsh I am going to see something" I said quickly typing on my keyboard. Looking up anything under the description of that phone that did this.

"OJ do you lnow that Phone's name?" I said earning a look of confusion from OJ.

"Uh like the phone from todays poker ga-"
"YES THAT ONE HIS NAME PLEASE" I yelled slightly panicked

"O- uh- his name I think is MePhone4.! He is one of the best poker players in the world!" He yelled as I quickly once again began typing out the name.

As soo as I hit enter many different websites and articles popped up.
I briefly read through mosy of them and covers my mouth with my hand as I gasp slightly.

"What!? What is it!? Did you find anything!?" OJ said panicked as I just looked at him in shock.
I took a deep breath.

"OJ this whole card thing is real.. A ability to do this is programmed with a certain brand of technology" I said slowly earning a strange look from OJ.

"Ok aannnd?" He said irritated.

I stared at him dead in the eyes.

"Oj..." I said pausing for a moment

"You aren't the first this has happened to."

(A/N: Card OJ moment 🤭)

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