Chapter 5 /Bet your life away/

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Chapter 5

-Papers pov-

The three figures opened the door rather roughly catching the attention of almost everyone in the room.

I stood there intimidated by the presence of them, as the one in the middle took a look around and scoffed.

His blue light slightly illuminating the area around him.
He then proceeded to walk around the casino. The chatter seemed to pick up back to normal after.

I took the time while everyone was distracted to try to make my way back to the poker table OJ was originally at. However once I got there he seemed to be gone which puzzled me.

I saw Salt applying makeup on so I decided to ask her.

"Hey Salt?? Have you seen OJ?" I asked nervously walking to her, she just looked up giving me a dirty stare like I was invading her space.

"Erm.. He went to that weird door over there. He seemed panicked like he didn't even let his own girlfriend tag along" she said closing her eyeshadow pallet roughly.

"You're not his girlfriend...  But thanks" I said sorta speed walking towards the door. As she just scoffed and walked in the other direction.
I opened the door and rushed down the hall making my way over to OJ's office since that would most likely be where he was.

I was right.

There sat a OJ. Seeming to be fixing his appearance. Placing a red tie on.
I knocked on the door to let him know I was there and he turned around and gave me a dirty glare.

"Oh wow what a surprise. You show up after ditching me for hours to hang out with Pickel" he said irritated as he turned back around.

Crap I didn't know that would upset him like this...

"Huh..? Sorry I didn't know that would upset you.. I saw you had so many people cheering you on I figured you wouldn't need me there, I suppose.." I said with slight guilt laced in my tone.

"Yeah my "best friend" leaving me for someone we barely know.. OF COURSE THAT IS SLIGHTLY UPSETTING!!" His tone was growing angrier which each second which he seemed to notice.

"Whatever.. I did good without you then.. I'll be fine without you now." He said before turning around and pushing passed me. The whole thing must have come to a shock to me.

I knew he could get angry easily however this was all still a shock.
His reaction suddenly made me feel angry.

I had every right to go talk to Pickel.
I didn't need OJ's permission to leave.
I don't belong to OJ.

I just crossed my arms and walked my way to my office.
If he didn't want me there.
I didn't need to be there.

I went into my office and slammed the door no longer caring who heard anymore.
I hated how quick OJ's mood could change.
'I miss my old friends so much'

I felt the erg to cry but I fought it back.

I knew I let my anger get the best of me. And as much as I didn't want to be around OJ right now I knew I needed to be there for him.
He is my best friend and I don't want a little fight to make me miss one of the biggest moments for him.

I sighed lifting myself back up. I heard muffled cheering probably coming from the main area.

I didn't feel like going out right now. However I needed to be there for OJ.

I slowly made my way down the hallway being a little scared of what I would see.
I soon opened the door to the main area and looked around to see a much bigger crowd than before surrounding the poker table infront of the stage area.
I walk over to the area very quietly trying not to grab attention from anyone and eventually made my way to the front of the crowd. I was almost directly behind OJ but could still see his expression.

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