Chapter 8 /No search results/

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-Papers pov-

March 17th, 2005. . .

I stepped into the Library books in hand.. As I walked by the Librarian as she just chuckled as she watched me.

"You got another test coming up Paper?" she said flipping through a book to make sure it wasnt damaged at least as I would assume, I just laughed nervously.

"Hehe you know it!" I walked over to a desk and placed the books on the desk and took a seat.
I started to flip through some of the books looking for study guides and just anything that would help.
I sighed I had just gotten here and I already felt extremely stressed and overworked however I needed to do good.. I needed to...

I just got up and made my way to the book section I needed..

[Around 5 hours later]

I was reading the study guides really caught up and lost in thought when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned and saw the Librarian.

"Hey paper dear sorry but it is 5pm.. It is closing time.." she said smiling as I just looked at the books.

"D- do you mind if I take these home..? Sorry I know you told me you aren't allowed to do that without a card..." I asked nervously not wanting to make her mad as she just chuckled.

"It is fine paper I understand what your family is going through..." she sighed before slightly looking up
"Tell you what you bring these back on Saturday and I'll let you take them.." she smiled

"O- ok! Thank you so much miss!" I said happily grabbing the books.

I waved goodbye and started walking out.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard someone yell when suddenly I felt a strong force before I got knocked down by someone else.
I felt a painfull inpact as I landed on the floor with someone else in the side of my vision seeing all the books scatter everywhere.

"OH SHOOT I AM SO SO SO SORRY I DIDN'T SEE YOU!!" I heard someone next me yell as I saw them get up offering me a hand. I looked up seeing a boy around my age.

I took his hand hesitantly as he lifted me up. Standing up I could see a clearer image of him. He was a glass of orange juice with a guilty looking expression.

"I am really sorry me and my friend where playing ball and I didn't pay attention to where I was going!! Let me help you pick these up!!" He picked up some of the books as I realized I had been staring.
I quickly started picking up some of them too as soon as I finished he lifted the books he picked up to me and I took them.

"Thank you... Uh.. it is ok.. I should have been paying attention as well" I said lifting the books closer to me feeling slightly embarrassed.. I had never been the best at talking to people so this conversation was kind of new to me...

"Thanks.. but nono it is totally my fault!" He said as his friend called him.

"Listen I gotta go! Uh sorry again!" He yelled running into the direction of the calling.. I just watched him leave so coming back to my senses and walking back the way I was going before..

That kid is strange...




I walked into the Library feeling a overwhelming sense of nostalgia.

I looked around seeing no one at the front desk so I just decided to walk in.

I knew this Library like the back of my hand.. I had been to it a lot as a kid however it always sorta gave me the creeps...

I walked down over to the door that lead to the archive room.
Looking at how the stairs lead down I began to feel slighly nervous.
I walked down the stairs as the anxiety that spiked in me slightly go down.
As I was almost down the stairs I heard a noise that made me jump and almost fall down the steps.

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