Chapter 7 /History is a mystery/

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"You aren't the first this has happened to"

Those words continued to echo through the thoughts of the two boys.

The room stood frozen dispite the clock in the rooms slow ticking.

Learning of this information was somehow comforting but yet terrifying.

But both boys knew that in order to figure this out the researching would have to continue.

-OJ's pov-

I felt my head ache at the continuing questions racing through my mind.
Small clickes from a keyboard could be heard as Paper continued to look for answers.

Nothing made any sense and I didn't think answers would come anytime soon.

I kept those thoughts in my head as I continued to pace back a forth around my room, card? Area.
I couldn't necessarily go anywhere I had to wait till paper figured something out before I could ask to be move to a different area in the house.

As I continued to pace around being lost in thought, a slight movement coming from Paper shook me out of my trance.
Paper just sighed and covered his face with his eyes. Which concerned me.

"Did you find anything?" I immediately asked with hope clearly heard in my tone which he picked up on.

"Weeellll not exactly.. This type of technology is said to not exist anymore.. The last know creation from Cobs was said to be made over 20 years ago and was destroyed just like all the rest of his inventions.." Paper said then slightly muffling something into his hands.
This action causing me to let out an annoying sigh.

"Paper pleasse don't mumble.. You know I can't understand you when you do that.." I said with irritation as I looked back at the paper boy right infront of me.

"Sorry.. sorry.. it is just.. Ugghh.. I am so tired and we have found little to almost no information about this.!" Paper said before proceeding to put his head down on the table.
I didn't necessarily know what to say to him right now since well, he wasn't wrong.

"So, what are we going to do..?" I said watching my tone. The last thing Paper needed was my bad attitude right now.

"Well we rest now." He said closing his computer and looking back at me.

"We can pick this up tomorrow since.. well.. the casino isn't open on Sundays." Paper once again said with a yawn.

I just nodded at the statement as
Paper just stretched and got up.

"So uh.. I assume you are going to sleep here right.?" He said calmly yet tiredness laced in his tone.

"Yeah I don't really have anywhere else to go." I said rubbing my head earning a nod from Paper.

"Do you wanna be moved somewhere else in the house oorrr..?" He said rightfully confused. I looked around before realizing the situation I was in.

"Oh uh I guess I could just stay here.. It isn't like there would be anywhere more comfortable to put a card anyways.." I said getting a quiet "ok" from the other.

Once he got up and walked into his room I began to think once again.

'How do I sleep as a card.. it isn't like I can just lay down.'

'Wait wait can I still spill or get shattered.!?'

As the thoughts plagued my mind I began to worry more and more about this all again.
All emotions I felt soon started to roll back.

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