Chapter 9 / M.D.C /

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-Papers pov-

We have been walking for what felt like hours...
After the request I offered to the girl we decided to take a walk around the park to discuss it..

"So what you are saying is... OJ played against some Meeple divice aand... was turned into a poker card..?"
The girl said to me with a confused laced in her voice. She was holding OJ and carefully inspecting him...

"Yeah...? I know it sounds weird.. I uh.. almost don't believe myself..."
I chuckled and sighed, slightly turning away from the two..
I had been wanting to talk about this to someone since it happened but saying it out loud made me realize how crazy it sounded..

"It... Does sound crazy yes..." I heard her slightly say to herself looking at the card before sighing and turning to me.

"However you have living proof.. A inanimate card.. well.. talking.. so I suppose I have to believe it." She said as she carefully handed the card back to me..
I took the card and looked at OJ who seemed to have a look that showed he was on the same page as me..

"So do you have any idea of what we could do?" OJ said with hope slightly laced in his tone which made the girl sigh..

"No.. no.. I don't have any ideas yet.." She looked away seeming to be thinking to herself..
"Buut.. I could always go through those files back at the library... I can try to find as much information I can for you two.."
She said looking up. It suprised me how willing a stranger is to help us so I couldn't help but give her a curious stare.

"You... You'd really do that..?" I said sligjtly shocked as she laughed quietly.

"Yeah.. I mean it isn't everyday you get a chance to learn more about some weird phone company curse.! Plus I am going to be working with THE famous OJ! You know how much of an honor it would be? Especially for a beginner researcher such as myself?"
She smiled crossing her arms slightly which made me smile and chuckle..

"Thank you so much.. uh.." I paused realizing I didn't even know her name..
"Uh sorry I don't think I ever caught your name...?" I said slightly holding a hand out for her to shake.. which she looked at for a second then took eventually..

"Oh.. The names Cabby!"
She said shaking my hand firmly..

I laughed as I carefully took my hand away smiling as OJ still looked annoyed..

"Right yeah.. Okok name sharing.. great bonding! What else do we have to do?"
OJ said sound much more irritated than before.. I wasn't sure why this was the case I just knew it probably had something to do with how much time this took only to get such little answers...

"Ahem.. Well from what you saw our library didn't have many answers.. however I'll keep looking in hopes of finding something... in the mean time... I might know a place you can try to get some answers from!"
She smiled and began to look through some other files. Deciding since she was occupied I would have a small chat with OJ..

"Why are you so irritated right now? We're getting answers.! Thats what you wanted right?"
I slightly whispered to him giving him and slight glare as he just scoffed.

"We're not getting answers.. what we are getting is useless info while talking to a complete stranger!"
He yelled back which didn't seem to phase me at this point.

"This "stranger" is helping us get those answers OJ!"
I sighed and tried to calmed myself down.
"OJ.. I am helping you out the best I can.. The LEAST you could do is.. Oh.. I dunno.. Be greatful!"
I yelled slightly above a whisper back earning a puzzled expression from OJ.. He didn't seem to think would talk back to him which after a bit made me sorta feel bad..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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