Rainy Night

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-It was a very cold rainy night, it was in the middle of November when the leaves turn colors and that nasty pumpkin spice flavor products are put on shelves at stores and people go crazy for it, the weather around this time feels very cold and downhearted, the birds fly away, and the animals try to stay warm-

Amelia: "I can't believe my mother is gone again, she's never home heck she doesn't even care about us kid's, at least my little sister is being taken care of by myself" -rain was falling hard outside- "it's another rainy cold night, the nights I hate the most because the heater barley work's half of the time, my mother has me living in this dump surrounded by drug heads and other creeps"

Amelia: "This may be the hardest night for me and my sister, we don't have much food and the neighbors are so loud, nobody has sex that damn much, they also argue so much it makes me wanna jump out of a window, that's how annoying it can get especially when it's nearly two in the morning, for awhile I thought of ways to get money, maybe a job, but I need the money now, I thought about selling feet pic's people would buy that right?, maybe Bobby a few door's down from the apartment might buy them. At least he would pay me at least $80 for just a toe, at least that would feed me and my sister, it may be those cheap noodle cups but hey it's something and my sister wouldn't have to go to bed hungry which I hate so much."

-The apartment grew colder as the rain outside hit the ground harder and harder, Amelia still worries about her sister, as her sister was asleep in her small bedroom-

Amelia: -looks out of a window- "The rain doesn't stay forever and I wish I was the rain, because if I was I could leave, but I really need money to get food and of course pay the electric bill my stupid mother won't do anything, my life is falling apart heck I dropped out of school just to take care of my sister."

Amelia: -Looks at her phone, the time said twelve thirty- "I should be asleep but I have too much stuff to worry about, especially when you live in a bad neighborhood and there is a sleeping two year old in the apartment, it just isn't safe especially since the locks on the door are broken if I do sleep I put a chair in front of the door to make sure no one breaks in while we are sleeping, especially when Sexual Assault and murder is high in this neighborhood if I do leave home I carry a pocket knife with me because I do have a paranoid personality and I also don't wanna get killed and my body is hidden behind a dumpster."

Amelia: -Sits down on a couch that had holes and cigarette burns on it, she turns on the TV and watches whatever was on at twelve midnight-

-After awhile Amelia started dozing off while sitting on the couch her eye's felt really heavy, but she didn't wanna sleep-

Amelia: "Damn I'm so tired but I'm afraid to sleep, I also can't sleep because the neighbors are having rough sex next door's and it's so fucking loud, and plus the girl next door is a bitch she doesn't like anyone but her husband and his money that he has, I really thought about robbing his apartment and taking valuables to sell for money but I can't because I can't leave my small sister with my mother, she wouldn't take care of her." -The front door opens and a skinny woman with long messy brown hair walks through the door- "my mom is home and she looks awful, like usual but this time she looked like she had gotten beaten up, this didn't seem right, she smelled like whiskey and weed, she was probably with James her boyfriend he is a bad drug addict and he is also a pervert but he sure does have a pretty good size dick I seen it on accident when he was peeing and I walked into the bathroom, I wonder of he has money."

-Amelia's mom stumbled into the apartment and into her bedroom, she passed put on her bed-

Amelia: -Sighs as she Lay's on the couch wondering what will happen next in her life, she stared at the ceiling for hours, hoping something interesting will happen-

-The night grew colder as the rain kept coming down from the sky, Amelia fall's asleep on the couch ignoring the cold, she knew she needed some sleep-


Part two is next!

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