Furious Temptations

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Damon: -He paces back and forth in his apartment living room, he felt very angry about people ignoring him, he almost felt like he was jealous-

Kano: "Ok, Vilasco, I will help you as long as you need it." -Holds the baby in her arm's- "This baby is very adorable, She almost looks like you."

Tiffany: -Walks out of the bathroom naked as she just got out of the shower-

Vilasco: "Babe, we have company." -He blushes, looking at his girl-

Tiffany: "Oh, I'm sorry, Vilasco. I didn't realize we had company over."

Vilasco: "It's fine babe just, you get ready so that way you won't be late."

Tiffany: "Are you gonna be ok with the baby, I mean she is a huge responsibility and please if you need anything call me I will rush back home."

Vilasco: "Don't worry babe, Kano here is helping me, you just be careful tonight."

Tiffany: "I will babe." -She gets ready kisses Vilasco then leaves-

Kano: -She rocks the baby to sleep them places the baby girl into her crib-

Vilasco: -He goes outside for a second for some Air-

Damon: -Leaves his apartment pissed off, he walks passed Vilasco pushing him out of the way-

Vilasco: "Damon what the hell!"

Damon: "Don't you fucking dare raise your voice at me!"

Vilasco: "What are you gonna fucking do fight me!"

Damon: -He punches Vilasco in the face-

Vilasco: -Goes quiet-

-Damon and Vilasco gets in a fist fight in the parking lot-

Kano: -She runs outside- "Stop you two your gonna kill each other!!" -Tries to stop them-

Amelia: -She runs outside trying to help Kano-

-Kano and Amelia finally break the boy's apart-

Kano: "What the hell is wrong with you two!!"

Vilasco: "I don't know what Damon's deal is but he punched me in the face first!"

Damon: -He stays quiet while Amelia holds him back-

Kano: "Vilasco go inside!"

-Vilasco goes inside the apartment to cool off-

Kano: "Damon, you need to grow up you are 19 year's old not a damn child, you go cool off as well." -She goes back to the apartment-

Damon: -He sighs- "hm?..." -He looks at Amelia- "I haven't seen you around here before..."

Amelia: "Oh, I stay in a apartment upstairs with my little sister, I'm sorry for getting in the way of that fight."

Damon: "It's fine...I shouldn't have done that but I'm tired of being alone...my anger just got the best of me."

Amelia: "Alone?"

Damon: "Yeah....I don't have anyone that is in love with me....and all I hear is sex this sex that....I haven't had sex in so long my hand is my best friend..."

Amelia: "Oh my, I did not know that." -She tries not to blush-

Damon: "It's fine....anyways, do you wanna hangout with this skater boy?"

Amelia: "Sure why not, my little sister is taking a nap so I could have a little time to hangout." -She smiles at him-

Damon: "Ok..cool, how about we head to my apartment and hang out there, sorry if it's a mess."

-Damon takes Amelia to his apartment-

Amelia: "Oh cool, I didn't know you like rock and roll emo stuff."

Damon: -He laughs a little- "You could say that."

Amelia: "But your room does look cool, and your bed looks so comfortable."

Damon: "Wanna find out?"

Amelia: "Sure why not."

Damon: -He picks Amelia up and places her on the bed, their faces was really close as he was above her-

Amelia: "Umm..." -She blushes a lot- "Holy shit your so close to me."

Damon: "You look sexy at this angle~"

Amelia: -She blushes a lot- "umm..thanks I guess."

Damon: -He slowly touches her boobs- "Nice and soft."

Amelia: -Blushes a lot- "We just met."

Damon: "Well I heard you needed money for food and bills right?"

Amelia: "Well yeah, I do."

Damon: "I will give you $80, if we can have a little fun."

Amelia: "Wait....what?!"

Damon: "I will pay you $80, if we can have sex."

Amelia: "Umm...."

Damon: "Hm?"

Amelia: "We just met though."

Damon: "Please..."

Amelia: "But why though?"

Damon: "I can't really say..." -He gets up and sighs-

Amelia: "Your hard aren't you, and that's why you seem so moody."

Damon: "yes....I'm sorry for pushing you into that."

Amelia: -She Secretly gets undressed-

Damon: -He looks at Amelia- "Holy hell, oh my god."

Amelia: -She giggles-

Damon: "Holy shit your beautiful.."

Amelia: "Hehehe, I know." -She smiled at him-

Damon: -He gets undressed, a little nervous, he then gets near Amelia and holds her legs, he runs his hand down Amelia's naked body, then he touches her pussy- "Your so beautiful~"

Amelia: -She moaned a little, feeling his touch-

Damon: "Shhh, your gonna enjoy this I promise~"

Damon: -Slowly sticks it in her as he moaned a little, he felt how tight she was-

Amelia: -She grabs the sheets- "Holy shit." -She gasps for air-

Damon: -He moves it in and out- "Mmm~"

-Amelia felt him inside her, and she knew she just lost her virginity-

Damon: -He sped up a little bit moans just a little gripping Amelia's thighs-

Amelia: -She moans enjoying the feeling of being fucked-

-Amelia could feel herself enjoying the sex more then she thought-

Damon: "You like that beautiful~"

Amelia: "yes~ mmm~" -She moans louder as Damon was getting deeper touching her womb-

Damon: "Ah~ mmm~" -He moans a little moving his hips faster nearly pounding her pussy-

Amelia: -She moans even louder, she didn't even care about the time she forgot about time completely-

Damon: -He moans gripping Amelia's thighs harder as he kept getting faster and faster, he cums inside her- "Oh, that feels so much better."

Amelia: -She blushes as she could feel what he just done-

Damon: -He kisses Amelia's thighs then takes it out and Lay's on Amelia relieved after so long- "I will pay you extra, that was so amazing." -He was out of breath-

Amelia: "I'm glad you liked that." -She smiled at him and noticed Damon was already asleep-

-Damon had passed out from all that, eventually, Amelia goes to her apartment leaving Damon asleep after getting her money-

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