The Worst Time

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Amelia: - she lay's on her bed after what happened with Damon, she was very sore but at least she got some money-

Kano: -she goes to her apartment after helping Vilasco with the baby, she seems very pissed at the world-

James: "Oh hey dear, what's wrong?"

Kano: "You didn't hear, that woman that lives upstairs in apartment 52, she is spreading rumors about me and I hate it!"

James: "Oh my what is she saying about you dear."

Kano: "She is telling everyone that I'm pregnant and I like cheating on you James, she also is telling other people that the baby I don't have is some other guy's baby."

James: "Calm down dear, let me take you to dinner and we can just relax and forget about that elderly woman."

Kano: "You sure?..."

James: "Of course darling, I will take you out for dinner, since we haven't been in a while I think we should go, it will be my treat."

Kano: "Thanks babe, I will try to find something nice to wear, I'm a little excited since it's been a long time since our last date."

-Awhile later in Damon's apartment-

Damon: -He wakes up from passing out- "Damn...I feel so comfortable right now, I didn't even wanna wake up." -He gets out of bed goes to the bathroom- "I feel relieved.." -He looks in the mirror- "Damn why was I so lucky to hook up with a hot girl like that, I mean she isn't the first girl but damn she was fine."

Damon: -He looks at his scars- "I hate these so much it shows the trauma I have been through, and I don't like it, but how did she not notice them while we were having sex."

Damon: -He goes and gets dressed then leaves his apartment and goes and tries to make some money-

Amelia: "I'm so sore....I can't believe I had sex at 17..." -She lay's in bed looking at her ceiling, her little sister was asleep next to her, Amelia looks at her- "I'm really trying to take care of you May...I'm really trying...."

-Kano looks for something to wear for the date with James she has later that night-

James: -He slaps Kano on the ass then he goes outside to call for reservations for a table at a fancy restaurant-

-Several hour's go by and Kano and James goes to a fancy Chinese restaurant that not many people can afford, They both sit a table that James had reserved a few hour's earlier-

Kano: "Oh my goodness, this place is fancy." -She takes a sip of her glass of wine-

James: "Well I need to spoil my girl every once and awhile." -He smiles at her and places his hand on her thigh-

Kano: -She blushes- "what's next you are gonna pull out a Dimond ring and call me yours."

James: "Nah, I'm fine with just this."

Kano: "oh...ok then." -She felt a little broken-

James: "Yeah."

Kano: -She went quiet and looks at the menu-

James: -He looks at the menu- "This food looks amazing."

Kano: "yeah...." -She gets up and goes to the bathroom-

James: -Starts flirting with one of the waitresses, he grabs the girls ass-

-The girl giggles and gives him her number-

Kano: -She was in the bathroom fixing her makeup, she cried a little and her makeup was running-

James: -He was still flirting with the waitress-

Kano: -she leaves the bathroom and heads to the table- "What the hell james! You bring me here just to flirt with other girl's, you know what fuck you!" -She pours the wine on him then leaves and goes back to her apartment-

Kano: -She sits on her bed after getting back to her apartment, she starts crying not caring about her makeup anymore, she just wanted to let it all out-

Kano: -She then takes off her dress and Lay's on the bed crying while wearing only her bra and panties not giving a care in the world-

-Kano lay's in her bed for hour's and James never went back to the apartment-

-Amelia wasn't in her apartment either she was getting food for her and her little sister May since she got $80 from Damon when they had sex-

-Damon was back at his apartment, he was laying on his bed listening to music and eating take-out-

-Vilasco was making dinner and video calling Tiffany, his girl since she was out of town-

-The night was colder then usual, and the street lights coming on since it was getting darker outside, the streets was quiet and calming, it almost seem dead-

Part 7 is next!

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik tik: despairqueen28

If you guys wanna ask questions my social media is always available

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