A Thought Of A Baby

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-Almost a week goes by and Amelia hasn't felt well, she can't even smell food without wanting to throw up-

Damon: -Hanging out with Amelia, after she was finished with her client- "So Amelia how was the client did he or she teat you well." -He was holding his skateboard-

Amelia: "He was fine...I gave him a blow job and he paid me $60."

Damon: -He didn't really wanna know that- "Oh how nice, at least you have some money for you and your sister."

Amelia: "Yeah, but I have been feeling a bit strange Damon...."

Damon: -He looks at her- "Hm?"

Amelia: "I have been feeling sick to my stomach...just thinking about food makes me sick to my stomach...."

Damon: "Oh my, maybe you have a stomach bug, or you ate something bad."

Amelia: "I'm not sure...I just want this sickness to stop..."

Damon: "Maybe you should take some medicine, or go see a doctor."

-Kano leaves her apartment wearing pajamas-

Damon: -He puts his skateboard down and rides around the apartment complex parking lot-

Kano: "Oh hello Amelia, how are you feeling today."

Amelia: "I'm feeling sick to my stomach again...I can't stop getting sick.."

Kano: "Oh my, who was your first customer?"

Amelia: "umm...Damon was my first.."

Kano: -She sighs- "Of course."

Amelia: "Huh?..."

Kano: "When you and Damon had sex did he use a condom."

Amelia: "I don't think he did...."

Kano: "That makes sense for your sickness."

Amelia: "What do you mean?..."

Kano: "You may be pregnant with his baby, if he didn't pull out and he came inside you, then you have a high chance of being pregnant."

Amelia: -She went quiet-

Kano: "It's facts sweetheart, you let a guy finish inside you, you do have a high chance of getting pregnant, that's why when I have sex I use a condom or tell the guy to pull out."

Amelia: "But....but....I can't be pregnant I can't take care of a baby and May my little sister...."

Kano: "Don't freak out right now, because you don't know if you are pregnant, because you haven't taken a pregnancy test yet, if you don't wanna buy one I will buy one for you, and I don't give a fuck if people look at me and give me weird looks they can mind their own damn business."

Amelia: "Thanks Kano...I'm scared to find out the truth..."

Kano: "And you won't be the only one taking care of the baby, if you are pregnant, Damon will get off of his ass and help, and I mean it."

Kano: -She goes into her apartment grabs her keys and her wallet then heads to the store-

Amelia: -She was so nervous about the truth she wasn't ready for a baby-

Damon: -Goes over to Amelia with his skateboard in his hands- "Umm..Amelia can I pay you $100, to have a sexy session with me please."

Amelia: "Damon....I'm not really sure if I wanna have sex today...I'm just not in the mood...."

Damon: "Is something wrong?"

Amelia: "I'm just feeling sick to my stomach...and I just wanna lay down..."

Damon: "Do you want me to make you some soup?"

Amelia: "I think that will be nice....thank you Damon...." -Slowly hugs him-

Damon: -He hugs her back- "No problem Amelia, you helped me so I will help you." -He picks Amelia up and carries her to her apartment-

Damon: -Sets Amelia on her bed kisses her on the forehead then goes to the kitchen and makes her some soup-

Kano: -Arrives back at the apartment with the pregnancy test and Damon some condoms- "Amelia, I'm here with your stuff, oh and here Damon, some damn condoms!" -Hits Damon on the back of the head-

Damon: "ow bitch! that fucking hurt!"

Kano: "Good maybe that can teach you to use a damn condom because you can easily get a girl pregnant, and you will be taking care of that baby if you get a girl pregnant."

Damon: "Umm...a baby, I umm...yeah I'm not ready for that."

Kano: "Well keep your dick in your pants or use a condom, then you won't have to worry about that shit."

Damon: "Kano...since when did you control my body and my dick."

Kano: -She sighs- "Whatever, your stubborn anyways." -Goes to Amelia- "Hey Amelia take this test pee on it then wait a few minutes and you will get the truth."

Amelia: -She goes to the bathroom, takes the test out of the box- "Oh shit I'm so nervous and scared...." -She pees on the test then waits, she looks at it as her hands was shaking hoping the test was negative- "What's taking so long..." -She keeps looking at the test as it shows she is pregnant- "Oh no...oh no...oh no.." -She throws the test in the trash-

Kano: "Let me guess the test said positive."

Amelia: -She starts tearing up- "I can't believe I'm having a baby...a baby I can't take care of..."

Kano: "Damon will help you through this."

-They stand in the bathroom talking, Damon doesn't know anything-

Part 8 is next!

Will the baby be a boy or girl, please let me know what you think the baby's gender will be

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik tok: despairqueen28

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