New Surrondings

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-Thr next morning Damon wasn't in bed because someone has taken him to work in town, Shadow was making some food for everyone in the home and it did smell nice, Mia was playing with her dollhouse and Camilia was cleaning glasses and puts thing's away behind the bar-

Amelia: -She walks up the stairs in her new pajamas and smells the food that is being made in the kitchen- "Something smells nice, i'm starving this morning."

Shadow: "Well good morning Amelia, i'm making breakfast since you are a new visitor staying here, I wanted to make you feel at home, I learned how to cook back in Japan I was also taught so many diffrent skills that people here could not even think about doing, anyways would you like some fresh apple juice or orange juice and no they are not from a cartin they are freshly squeezed."

Amelia: "I would like some orange jucie please." -She smiles a litle-

Shadow: -He pours Amelia a glass of fresh orange juice and hands her the glass-

Amelia: -She takes a sip of the orange juice- "This is really good, it's better then the stuff you get from the store."

Shadow: "Well of course it is, everything is freshly picked from plants that the earth has given us young one."

Amelia: "What's it like in japan shadow, is it beautfual."

Shadow: "Well it is very beautiful during the spring when the cheery blossoms are bloomig, I was raised near mount fuji, so I have seen a lot of things that japan offers for other people."

-Shadow finishes making breakfast and makes Amelia a plate and sets it in front of her at the kitchen table-

Shadow: "Enjoy your breakfast young one I will be in the field training, if you need anything don't be afraid to talk to me."

-Shadow goes to the field near the house and begins training-

Tessa: -She looks at Amelia and observes her every move-

Amelia: "Hm?" -Stops eating and looks at the girl-

-Tessa quickly runs away from the kichen-

Mia: -She is in her room playing with her doll's and her dollhouse-

Amelia: -She continues to eat breakfast that Shadow had made as she starts thinking about the baby and Damon-

Camilia: -She was on the phone with family and she was speaking to them in spanish, she sounds angry-

Amelia: -She finishes eating and washes the dish, then she goees and changes and goes and explores the settlement-

-Shadow keeps training with his Throwing knives and his katana-

Amelia: -She looks at the flowers nearby- "These flowers are really pretty."

Mr. Sano: -He picks a flower and puts it in Amelia's hair- "Well they are really pretty, just like a pretty lady like you." -He smiles at her-

Amelia: "Oh..umm thanks I guess." -She wishes damon was near her-

Mr. Sano: -He gently grabs Amelia's ass- "I see your pregnant, that's what happens to girl's who doeasn't follow the rules."

Amelia: "umm..." -She is feeling very uncomfortable-

Mr. Sano: "I won't hurt you, I promise." -He smiles-

Amelia: "Please leave me alone..." -She seems really uncomfortable-

-Mr. Sano grabs Amelia as she let's out a scream and she sounded scared-

Tessa: -She peaks around the corner and notices Amelia and Mr. Sano-

-Amelia is still screaming for help but no one seems to hear her-

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