Is That Blood?

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-Kano was at the store for awhile shopping for some groceries because she knew she could not live on ramen noodle cups and soda, that was not healthy at all, she looked at her list and was putting the items into her shopping cart, some items was healthy and some was junk food like cookies for example she had to get a lot of off brand foods because of how much money she had in her banking accout, and it was not much. After she got what she wanted she stopped by the womens bathroom to use the restroom, something did not seem right not like the stalker type of feeling but the feeling you get in your gut when something is about to happen-

Kano: -She sits in the stall in the bathroom when she notices blood on the floor and a woman in the stall next to her- "Hello ma'am do you need a tampon? I have some if you need one."

-The woman did not say anything but Kano could hear what sounded like grunting and painful moans, Kano starts feeling nervous and uncomfortable-

Kano: "'am are you ok do you need me to get someone for you."

-The woman would not say a word to Kano-

Kano: -She sits on the toilet, uses the bathroom, wipes then asks one more time if the woman was fine, but the woman did not say anything-

-Kano was sitting in the bathroom for awhile until the woman from the other stall runs out of the bathroom after putting her pants on, a baby could be heard crying and Kano was shocked about what happend. She then proceeds to button her pants and check the stall, inside was a newborn baby laying in a box wrapped in a cloth-

Kano: "What the hell?!" -She falls to the floor after seeing what she is looking at-

-The newborn baby girl was left there crying for it's mother-

Kano: -She gently picks the baby up and wraps it in her jacket- "Shh it's ok little one you are safe now, no one will hurt you I promise, mommy probably had something going on but I will take care of you..." -Kano now looks like a suspect to an infant being born in a grocery store-

-Kano sits against the bathroom wall holding the baby not knowing what to do a single tear runs down her face scared that she might get charged with something that did not happend to her the only person she could call was Amelia but she did not want Amelia to get caight up in the situation so she wraps the baby tight in her jacket then leaves the store without her groceries and heads home and tries to keep the baby a secret she now feels like time has went by too fast because now she has a baby that isn't even her's and she knew she was not ready but I guess motherhood has came to her very early-

-Once Kano was home she quickly takes the baby into her apartment and washes it up in her kitchen sink, takes a towel and dries off the baby, she notices the baby has calmed down a lot and is now calm. Kano puts a diaper on the baby, she remebered she had those for awhile when she used to babysit children for a living-

Kano: -She sits on the bed holding the baby- "Ok little one, welcome home, i'm not sure what to think but I guess my wishes came true without even having sex, anyways i'm gonna name you Layla Sano, I think that's a cute name for you" -She smiled a little holding that baby- "you will be my daughter or son whatever you wanna be in the future that will be up to you, but for now I have to keep you a secret little one, because i'm not sure how they will react with you being around little one, I will tell them eventually but right now it's just you and me."

-Kano finds something that is made like a crib and gently puts the baby in it-

Kano: "Ok little one i'm gonna have to get you some baby formula but I can't leave you here." -She gets a very long scarf she had and makes it to a baby carrier so she could carry the baby around secretly- "Ok little one we can now leave again, but this time we won't get noticed." -She picked up the baby and put it safely in the carrier she made and then put her jacket on and zipped it up but left it open enugh for the baby to breath, she then goes back to the store but this time with a baby-

-The emplyees was cleaning the bathroom from earlier that day, they looked disgusted-

-Kano gets the stuff she needed for the baby and some other food items she needed after awhile she pay's for the items in her shopping cart then heads home with the stuff. Once she got home she got the baby dressed then made the baby a bottle since she knew it was hungry-

-The baby was laying on the small baby crib near Kano's bed-

-Kano picks up the baby and starts bottle feeding the newborn, she starts feeling happy again and the loneliness is slowly going away nearly forgetting about Tal and how heartbroken she was-

-This baby is making Kano feel happiness again but she is afriad the other's will find out about this baby and she is also worried the police would get involved with this and take away the only thing keeping her from going crazy-

Part 18 next!

Facebook: Amber Mezia
Tik Tok: despairqueen28

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