The Stranger Downstairs

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Amelia: -Eats a small bag of chip's she found in the kitchen cabinet- "He was fine as fuck I wonder what his name is, and what apartment he lives in."

Amelia: -goes and Lay's on the couch- "I hope he isn't a high schooler, and I hope he's over the age of 16 since I'm 17 almost 18, I don't wanna be caught with a 15 year old, that's just weird."

-Amelia's mom's boyfriend walks through the door carrying a case of beer in his hand-

Mark: "Hello beautiful you look good today~"

Amelia: "Fuck off mark, leave me alone, and stop flirting with me."

Mark: "Why should I sexy~"

Amelia: -She sighs and tries to ignore him hoping he would leave her alone-

Mark: "you have a very dirty mouth~ let me fix that~"

Amelia: "stay away from me!" -she got off the couch and backed away from him-

Mark: "just taste it once~ your mom won't find out~"

Amelia: -She stays quiet and watches him-

Mark: -pushes Amelia down onto the ground and holds her down trying to take her clothes off-

Amelia: -screams really loud hoping someone would hear her-

Vilasco: -About to unlock the door to his apartment downstairs- "Hm? what was that?"

Vilasco: -Goes upstairs and knocks on the apartment door that the screaming could be heard from- "umm..hello is everything alright in there."

Mark: "everything is fine go away!"

Vilasco: -Knows something is wrong so he opens the door- "What the hell?!"

Amelia: -She was crying scared of what was happening-

Vilasco: -Pushes drunk Mark off if Amelia he hugs her just to comfort her, a stranger he just met- "It's ok now, everything will be alright now."

Amelia: "T-thank you...."

Vilasco: "No problem, he didn't need to be forcing anything onto you, if that's what he was doing, he is a grown man who was drunk out of his mind."

Amelia: -His voice was very calming and she enjoyed the hug- "ok...but thanks for helping me...I didn't want him you know...."

Vilasco: "I understand. Are you hungry? I could get you some food if you like"

Amelia: "I am hungry, but I couldn't let you pay for me something to eat... because I can't pay you back...."

Vilasco: "Hey don't worry about it, my girl wouldn't mind if I bought you some food to eat."

Amelia: "Well, thanks. I have to bring a two year old with me if that's fine..."

Vilasco: "That's fine, is the child yours?"

Amelia: "No she's my little sister I'm basically raising her instead of my mother, I dropped out of school just to take care of her and it's very sad to think about, especially since we don't know who her father is."

Vilasco: "Ah I got you, so what do you wanna eat? or where do you wanna go?'

Amelia: "Can we go to the burger shack, I used to love that place when I was younger, my grandfather would take me there every Friday after he was done working, he was a good man....but he passed away on my fourteenth birthday..."

Vilasco: "Sure we can go there and I'm sorry for your loss..."

-Vilasco takes his keys and gets into his decent car, Amelia gets the carseat and puts her little sister into the car, then proceeds to get into the car herself-

Vilasco: -Starts driving- "So, where did you go to high school at?"

Amelia: "I went to Copperdale High School..."

Vilasco: "I miss my high school day's, I was a high school bad boy, some teacher's hated me." -He laughs a little- "I met my girl in high school, she was the most attractive thing I have ever seen, she was the leader of the cheerleading team, I would go to the football games just to see her, then we would make out underneath the bleachers."

Amelia: -She laughs a little- "Did you ever get caught doing that, I mean it is a public place."

Vilasco: "Well we did get caught but I'm not going into details with tha."

Amelia: "Oh come on, please tell me."

Vilasco: -Laughs a little- "That conversation will mess with your innocent brain of yours." -He smiled at her-

Amelia: "I'm not innocent, thank you very much, I know what sex is, and I know what a dick is, so I'm not innocent."

Vilasco: "Just because you know sex doesn't mean you're not innocent."

-Awhile later they arrive at the burger Shack-

-Vilasco takes the two girl's to a table and gives the youngest a kid's menu something she could draw on, Vilasco and Amelia got a normal menu-

Vilasco: -Order's a soda and cheeseburger with fries-

Amelia: -Order's a burger, fries, and a chocolate shake-

Amelia: "Hey can I ask you some."

Vilasco: "Sure go ahead"

Amelia: "Well, do you know a boy with black hair, he's tall and has hazel eye color?"

Vilasco: "Oh you're talking about Damon. He's the boy that lives a few door's down from me, he rides a skateboard around the parking lot, other then that I don't know much about him."

Amelia: -She blushes a little- "oh...ok then, he has a nice name."

-About twenty minutes later the food they have ordered is placed on the table and Amelia starts eating her food like she was starving-

Vilasco: "Oh my slow down you might chock on your food, no need to rush anyways."

Amelia: -Ignores him and keeps eating her food-

-An hour later Vilasco pays for the food then takes the girl's back home-

-Amelia and her sister goes into the apartment and Amelia gets ready for bed once her sister fell asleep-

-Amelia takes a shower, then goes to bed and ends up passing out on the bed after being full from the meal they had-

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