Unexpected Visitor

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-Three month's go by, nothing special happened, Kano and Tal are together, and Damon is still trying to get Amelia to be his girl, but he hasn't succeeded-

-Amelia wakes up naked in Damon's bed-

Amelia: -She yawns and feels around the bed for Damon- "Huh?, where did you go?" -She gets out of Damon's bed and notices an envelope sitting on the kitchen counter- "What's this?"-She opens the envelope to find money and and a note, she reads the note and it says "Sorry darling I had to go to work this morning here's some money for you to get some food, see you this afternoon, oh and by the way the sex was so amazing." After reading that, she smiled and got dressed- "Oh Damon, he's a good guy, but with my career that will ruin everything between me and him."

Kano: -She leaves her apartment and knocks on Damon's door- "Amelia, are you in there, I have to take you to your appointment today."

Amelia: "Give me a second, Kano." -She tries to put her jeans on- "Oh, come on, please fit."-She struggles to get her jeans on-

Kano: -She enters the apartment- "Amelia, you ok?"

Amelia: "I can't fit into my jeans due to this baby bump."

Kano: "That's what happens during pregnancy, you can't fit some clothes because that baby does grow, why not steal a pair of Damon's jeans he won't notice anything, because if you don't your gonna be late for your appointment."

Amelia: "He probably won't mind me borrowing a pair of his pants." -She looks through Damon's clothes and finds a pair of ripped black Jean's and tries them on, and they fit- "Oh, thank goodness, they fit on me."

Kano: "Damon needs to take you shopping for some maternity clothes so you will be comfortable during this pregnancy."

-They both walked outside after Amelia was dressed. A strange car was parked in Amelia's parking spot near her apartment-

Amelia: "Hm?, who's that?" -She looks at the car-

-A strange man steps out of his car and looks Amelia up and down-

Joseph: "Well, hello, Amelia, you're looking stunning, and I notice you have a bit of a glow."

Amelia: "Umm...who are you?."

Joseph: "You don't know who I am?, that's sad your mother Janet doesn't talk about me."

Amelia: "How do you know my mother?"

Joseph: "Well, I'm your father Amelia, and I'm here to see you and your mother."

Amelia: "My father left me when I was 5 years old...so this isn't funny."

Joseph: "This isn't a joke Amelia I'm your father, I got your mother pregnant with you."

Amelia: "This isn't funny at all..." -She feels annoyed-

Kano: "Sir please leave Amelia alone she has places be."

Joseph: "I wasn't talking to you, I'm talking to my daughter."

Kano: -She went quiet-

Amelia: "Sir... you must have the wrong girl...because I don't know you..."

Kano: -She gets in front of Amelia protecting her-

Joseph: "I'm just wanting to see my daughter especially after I heard about my grandchild my daughter is carrying."

Kano: "Why don't you leave her alone if you don't me and her friend will kick your ass."

Joseph: "Oh calm down, I just wanted to see my daughter, that's all."

Amelia: "I'm not your daughter sir...." -Sh protects her baby bump-

Joseph: "And why on earth would my daughter become a slut, she's like a doorknob, everyone has used it."

Kano: "Shut your fucking mouth..."

Amelia: -She goes to Kano's car and gets inside the vehicle-

Kano: "Never speak to her again you asshole..." -She goes and gets into her car and buckles up- "That fucking asshole." -She drives away with Amelia in the car-

-Joseph goes to Amelia's apartment where Janet stays-

-Kano takes Amelia to her appointment, Kano was pissed off and she didn't seem right-

-Once they was there Amelia goes inside and checks in but Kano stays outside and smokes a cigarette just to relieve some stress she had-

-Damon was at work, he had to make money for the new baby-

-Amelia sees the doctor about the baby and the doctor said the baby was a boy and the baby was healthy and Amelia was also healthy-

Kano: -She was fixing her makeup-

-A car of people pull up next to Kano-

Kano: "Oh what the hell do you want."

Jerome: "What is a fine girl like you doing out here."

Kano: "I'm waiting for a friend now get the hell out of here."

Jerome: "Oh no, I'm not gonna let a hot babe like you stand out here."

Kano: -She continues to do her makeup-

Jerome: "Damn, you are very stubborn, get your ass into this car and let's go have some sex."

Kano: "Ecuse you I'm no whore you can just fuck!"

Jerome: "Well your boyfriend Tal is gone he left this morning, he doesn't live in the apartment complex anymore."

Kano: "Wait....what, he promised not to leave me that asshole.."

Jerome: "Well see you later bitch." -He drives away in his sports car-

Kano: -She looks at her phone and noticed Tal had blocked her on social media, she felt heartbroken once again-

-Kano sits in the parking lot for awhile waiting for Amelia, She lights another cigarette feeling heartbroken-

Amelia: -She walks out of the doctor's office and gets into Kano's car- "Hey Kano thanks for taking me to this appointment Damon couldn't because he had work."

Kano: -Starts driving home- "No problem..."

-After awhile they are back at the apartment complex and Kano heads to her apartment pissed off and sad-

Amelia: -She heads to her apartment grabs a snack and checks on may, after that she waits for Damon to get home so she could tell him the news about their baby-

Part 15 next!

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik Tok: despairqueen28

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