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-The next day jacob wakes up and gets ready for school, he gets out of bed and gets dressed then he puts on his socks and shoes then head downstairs for a quick breakfast before catching the bus to go to school-

-May was eating breakfast already and watching video's on her phone while sitting at the kitchen table-

-Damon drinks a cup of coffee then leaves for work, Amelia was still in bed because she was not feeling well-

Jacob: -He grabs the milk and cereal and makes him a bowl of his favorite cereal which was snapster it was a fruity type cereal with marshmellows in it, once he gets that he grabs a banana that was sitting in a bowl that was sitting on the kitchen counter, after he gets everything he sits at the kitchen table and begins eating his breakfest-

-May won't stop laughing at the video she was playing on her phone, she seemed to be really enjoying what she was watching since that is what she usually does every morning-

Jacob: -He still continues to eat as he takes his book out if his bag and starts reading while eating breakfast-

-After awhile May and Jacob gets on the bus, they both sit down and Jacob looks out the bus window, May starts talking to her friends as soon as she sits down-

-A familiar boy sits next to Jacob on the bus-

Miles: "Well hello Jacob." -He smiles a little-

Jacob: "Hello Miles, I didn't know you rode this bus."

Miles: "Yep, my parents work so I have to ride the bus to school."

Jacob: "Hey can I show you what my mom got me when she went to the store to but a few things."

Miles: "Of course!" -He smiles-

Jacob: -He pulls out a small superhero figurine out of his backpack and smiles since he was so happy to show off what his mom had gotten him-

Miles: "Oh that looks awesome!" -He smiles-

Jacob: "Thanks!" -He smiles and then puts the toy back into his backpack so he would not lose it since his mom paid for it with her own money she earend from doing small jobs here and there across town for the people who really needs the help-

-After awhile they arrive at school, Miles and Jacob gets off the bus and runs to the cafeteria so Miles could get some breakfast-

Miles: -He grabs a small muffian and a small carton of milk and orange juice then he sits down at a table with Jacob and then takes out some collectable gaming cards as he starts to explain his favorites to Jacob-

Jacob: -He listens and smiles and gets excited as he looks at the cards as they look really cool to him-

-Miles had a rainbow braclete on his wrist as Jacob notices-

Jacob: "Where did you get that at, it looks cool I want one."

Miles: "My mom made it for me, she felt bad because she couldn't get me anything for my ninth birthday because we was moving in to the current home on my birthday."

Jacob: "Oh my, that doesn't sound very fun."

Miles: "It wasn't fun but, hey at least I have a new friend who is my neighbor." -He smiles-

-After awhile they go to class since the bell rang-

-once school was over Jacob goes to Miles house to play, Miles mother had pizza pockets made for them since she knows they would be hungry, she also had made some lemonade for them as well-

-Both boys hangout and eat since they really was hungry after a long day at school-

-Several hours go by and Jacob heads home since his dad was about to be home and his mother was sick, and May was doing homework-

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