It gets me

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Usually I have a lot of insecurities that everybody thinks are absurd.

Some might think that it is my fault since I overthink or maybe because I don't know how to dress myself, etc.

But really, as I grow older I realized that the judgement and opinions of others are the one that gets me

It gets me.

The fact that I always listen to them thinking I would be better, made me feel more of a bitter-insecure fool that I usually am.

Statements such as; Try this new hair look, how about try doing treatment, how about you have an eye check up or would you consider surgery maybe to adjust just a bit on your face, how about a bangs?, Can you not wear that you look like a child, No not that you look mature, and many more...

In conclusion:


Maybe because I am simply an INFJ personality that doesn't give a f*ck if I'm too fed or I simply realize that people are just like me.

A bunch of hypocrites

So what would you do?

Listen to your hypocrite self?  Or listen to others who are also hypocrites?

It's really ironic but all in all it's up to you on how you would rationalize your decisions in life.

To be insecure is to be secured in the judgement of others...

(For me, I wrote this chapter simply because I had my daily realizations.
I really wanna add more to this so I might edit this soon)

I know that I don't

I Know That I Don'tWhere stories live. Discover now