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Watching Bakugou get crowned the winner of the Sports Festival made Kimiko's heart hurt for the boy. He wanted to be the best by beating the best, and Todoroki didn't give him that satisfaction.

She stood with the rest of the class as Bakugou thrashed around angrily while All Might tried to place his medal over his head.

"I'm sad that Iida had to leave, he was doing so well," she heard Uraraka say beside her. Humming in agreement, Kimiko shifted to face her friend, careful of her right arm still in its sling.

"Does your body hurt as much as mine? Bakugou really packs a punch," the blonde girl said. The brunette girl deflated at her question, "everything hurts," she whined, "you two fought forever, I was really hoping you'd win."

Kimiko allowed a small smile to grace her lips, "I wanted to win, but he just had so much more stamina" she replied, eyes wandering to the blonde boy. She was startled to see that he was looking at her.

He was still for a moment, glaring fiercely at the girl as she tilted her head in question at him as he shook his head and looked away, resuming his tantrum.

The exchange between the two was not missed by Uraraka as she observed Bakugou's behavior. It definitely seemed like he wanted to communicate something to her friend.

Once the ceremony was over, Kimiko walked over to the scowling boy, "did you want something?" she asked, her non-injured hand resting on her hip.

His scowl deepened as she approached, "why would I want anything from you, new girl" he said, Kimiko simply huffed in response before rolling her eyes, turning to walk away, she felt a hand grip her elbow.

Halting her movements, she felt the hand drop from her arm, turning she saw Bakugou scratching the back of his head, eyes cast to the side.

"Is your arm broken or what," he asked, still refusing to make eye contact, Kimiko smirked at his question, unable to resist the chance to tease the boy.

"Aw Bakugou, are you worried?" she couldn't help but tease. "To ease your nerves, it isn't broken, it just hurts right now," she said with a smile, eyes dancing with mirth.

Clicking his tongue, he walked away without another word. 'Was he actually worried?' her eyes widening at the thought, 'I guess we're officially friends now!' a large smile grew on her face as she walked out of the arena to find Aizawa.

A large figure sat watching the television, a smile on his face as the screen displayed a young blonde girl, hair in a ponytail with a branded 97 on the back of her neck.

The girl going to a hero school could not have been more perfect. Now the world would see what he created, and as a positive! The figure began laughing to himself, a loud knock at the door causing him to pause.

"Dr. Jashin, I have information about your little creation number 97" called out a voice on the other side of the door.

The tall man nearly ripped the door from its hinges, "oh, Shigaraki? I didn't think you like my work," he said, crossing his arms upon seeing the visitor.

"I didn't until your little lab rat tried to kill me for attacking All Might," replied the hand covered villain. Jashin's eyes lit up at the reply, stepping aside, he gestured for the man to enter, "then come in, we have much to discuss."

Shigaraki told Jashin of the USJ events, explaining her sudden anger and the use of her quirk. "I assume you saw her fight at the Sports Festival?" the doctor nodded, "that Bakugou boy she fought, I'm going to make him an offer."

Jashin's eyebrows rose, "I want you to offer my number 97 the same opportunity," he replied, a grin coming to his face. Shigaraki scratched at his neck, "she tried to kill me, do you think she would join?"

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