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Searching the list of students that had passed the exam, Kimiko silently cheered as she saw her name, 'I did it!' she thought.

Continuing to look at the list, she felt her heart drop as she realized there were two names missing. Kimiko began looking around for her two friends, she knew a certain hot head would need some encouragement.

As she spotted him in the crowd of excited students, she began marching in his direction, "Katsu-" she started, "don't start" he cut her off.

He gave her a harsh glare and Kimiko froze. Searching his face, she could see the anguish in his eyes and knew that this was not the time for her to approach the blond.

Nodding her head, she turned on her heel and allowed him space to wallow in misery and anger. 'Maybe I can try healing his emotions later like I did with Todoroki,' she thought.

Walking away, she searched for the dual-colored boy. He was probably taking it just as badly, even if he showed it differently than Bakugou.

She found him standing off to the side with his head down, bangs covering his eyes. "Todoroki? Are you okay?" she asked softly as she approached.

Heterochromatic stared back at her, sadness and anger swirling together as he processed his emotions.

"I failed," he said, casting his eyes down as he stared at his left hand. Nodding, Kimiko took a step closer, reaching out to grab his left hand with both of her own.

Todoroki flinched at the contact but didn't protest. "I don't have much energy left for my quirk, but I want to help if I can." she said, closing her eyes in concentration.

Focusing on her healing quirk, she felt her emotions connect with his much faster than the last time she tried.

Her body was hit with negative emotions; anger, disappointment, regret and anxiety. Kimiko felt her body shaking under the weight of such strong emotions, the use of her quirk after the exam was making it difficult to control.

Just as suddenly as the emotions had hit her, the hand she had held was wrenched from her grip. Her eyes flew open as Todoroki still stood in front of her, his gaze softer than it had been before.

Reaching his right hand out, he gently patted the blonde girl's head, "thank you, but you need to rest," he said. Kimiko looked up at his heterochromatic eyes and smiled, 'he really is so kind' she thought.

"Also, your nose is bleeding" he said as he removed his hand from her head, turning to walk away. Kimiko's hand quickly flew to her face, embarrassment rushing through her veins, "you could have led with that!" she yelled after the dual-haired boy.

Covering her nose, Kimiko jogged over towards Uraraka, "do you have a tissue or something, my nose won't stop bleeding" she asked quickly.

Uraraka looked at the blonde girl, a giggle escaping her lips as her friend was desperately covering her nose in embarrassment.

"How did you manage to get a nosebleed?" she said through a smile. "I was just trying to help Todoroki with my healing quirk, but I overused my abilities today," Kimiko muttered in response.

Latching onto Kimiko's arm, Ashido began jumping up and down with excitement. "Oh my, are you having difficulty choosing between Todoroki and Bakugou?" she asked, her dark eyes wide.

Snorting, Kimiko removed her arm from Ashido's grasp, "as if, I already told you all everything," she said. "And is this really the conversation we want to be having after getting our provisional license?" the blonde girl added with a smile.

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