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Aizawa was extremely on edge. His students were all gone on internships, save for Kimiko who wouldn't leave his side, turning down several offers.

Their days consisted of training her blood and healing quirk, followed by her sitting in her room staring out the window.

He knew she was terrified, and he wanted nothing more than to calm her fears, to tell her it was going to be okay. Sitting at his desk he sighed, 'I know she can't just stay inside all day,' he thought, 'but I don't want her in danger.'

Just as he felt he was going to pull his hair out from stress, his cellphone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he was surprised to see the Best Jeanist's name appear on the screen.

Answering it quickly, he was met with a distraught hero. "Hello Eraserhead, I was hoping you may have insight into containing Bakugou's pride," Aizawa almost laughed, the hero in training was proving to be difficult as expected.

"Did you expect him to change after a few days?" Aizawa said incredulously. "Is he training well at least?" He knew the boy was hard headed, prideful and easily triggered.

The best jeanist sighed, "of course his training is fine, but his interactions with the public leave much to be desired." there was a pause as he asked, "how are your interns?"

Leaning back in his chair, Aizawa ran a hand through his hair, "Kimiko is terrified of leaving the house but whines that she misses her friends, it's driving me crazy."

Pausing, Aizawa added, "and she really doesn't like me training Shinsou, just because of his quirk." He could hear the other pro-hero hum in thought before speaking.

"Since they've fought before, would Kimiko want to join me here for training today?" asked the fabric hero, Aizawa stiffened, unsure if he liked the idea of her leaving the house without him.

'It could be good for her, and she seems to feel safe with Bakugou,' he thought as he weighed his options, he had training with Shinsou in the afternoon and she hated being left alone, but never wanted to join either.

"I'll let her decide, if she says yes I will let you know." he replied, hearing the agreement, he ended the call. Exiting his room, he walked up the stairs to the young girls room, giving it a light knock.

The door opened, revealing the girl, her hair was messy and her eyes sleepy as though she had been napping. "I'm not training with Shinsou, I don't want to be near his quirk." she said flatly.

"That's not why I'm here and don't be a brat, he hasn't done anything to you," he said in an irritated tone, pausing as he gave her a stern look, causing her shoulders to deflate at the scolding

"The Best Jeanist wants you to join him in training today with his intern, Bakugou." Aizawa watched as her eyes widened in excitement, "are we sparring!?" she asked

Aizawa felt himself relax at her enthusiasm, "training is up to Best Jeanist, but get dressed, we have to leave soon."

The door closed in his face with a squeal as she ran off to change, pausing, the girl opening the door again, "do I wear my hero costume?" Aizawa fought a smile pulling at his lips, "If you want." 

Closing the door, she ran to grab her costume, bouncing with excitement as she went. Once the suit was on, she walked to the door, pausing with her hand on the knob.

'What if I'm attacked or Jashin appears while I'm away from Aizawa?' shaking her head, she slapped her palms against her cheeks, 'Even Jashin wouldn't attack in front of a pro-hero.'

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked down the stairs joining Aizawa by the door, as he patted her head before turning to open the door.

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