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It had been months since Shie Hessakai and Kimiko's rescue. Aizawa was more protective than ever and Bakugou was practically glued to the girl's hip.

The explosive boy was getting to be a bit too clingy as he even growled at Kirishima for slinging his arm around her shoulders.

At this point Kimiko had begun to believe that the girls were right, and he most likely did return her feelings, though why he hadn't said anything was beyond her.

She was beginning to get a bit antsy with the lack of security in where she stood with him. Sure they were clearly a little more than friends, and he refused to leave her side even when she was back at the dorm.

Kimiko lay on the couch in the common room, her head resting on Ochako's lap, as her friend sat there silently reading a book. It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and most of the class were either in their rooms or out visiting their families.

Sighing, the blonde girl sat up, her thoughts were plaguing her. Before she had been taken from her dorm, she lived with constant paranoia. Now, she had heard the news of Jashin being arrested and behind bars, she could relax about possibly being killed.

Sighing, Ochako put her book down, "Kimi-chan, you need to just go talk to him," she said, looking at her friend. "It's ridiculous that you two haven't talked about anything since you got back."

Nodding, Kimiko groaned as she stood up. She still wasn't allowed to train fully, and the little bit she had done had made her incredibly sore. "You win, I'm going to go talk to him," she said, an anxious smile on her face.

Once the elevator doors shut, Kimiko leaned against the wall, 'what am I supposed to say? Hi I almost died but since I didn't I think we should date?' she cringed at her own thoughts. That clearly would not work.

Before she knew it, she was in front of his door. Steeling her nerves, she knocked before reaching for the handle. It wasn't like it was uncommon for the two of them to knock before barging into one another's rooms.

But now it felt awkward, with her mind racing with thoughts of how this conversation would go. Twisting the knob, she opened the door, revealing an empty room. 'Oh' she thought with a frown.

He hadn't told her he was going anywhere today, and usually that meant he would just hang out in his room. 'Well I guess that means I'm off the hook!' she thought with a smile as she closed his door and headed down the hallway to her own.

Only to almost bump into the very person she had been looking for, and was once again filled with anxiety. "There you are! Roundface told me you were looking for me," he said his face was relaxed, without the usual scowl.

'Oh gods, why is he so attractive!' Kimiko opened her mouth to speak but the words were stuck in her throat. She could feel her face getting red from embarrassment.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?" he asked, an eyebrow raised in annoyance. Kimiko's face lit up in embarrassment, "I'm not acting weird," she muttered.

"Anyways," she started, "do you want to go train?" Bakugou's face contorted in confusion as Kimiko mentally facepalmed, 'why is that what I said'

"You've already reached your training limit today, dummy," he responded, a smirk resting on his lips, "if you wanted to hang out just say that, jeez."

Kimiko laughed at that, a bit of the tension easing from her shoulders. Bakugou laughed with her, a low chuckle, grabbing her hand and leading her to his room.

A comfortable silence had settled between the two as Bakugou sat on the floor and Kimiko on the corner of his bed. They had been playing games together for awhile before moving on to scrolling on their respective phones.

This feeling of relaxation was so few and far between that Kimiko had forgotten about her goal of confessing, there was no need to push things in this moment. Just being together was enough.

Glancing at the window, Bakugou saw that the sun was setting, an orange hue coming through the gap in the curtains. Shuffling to stand, he stretched before addressing the blonde girl, too absorbed in whatever she was looking at on her phone to notice his movement.

"Oi, let's go eat, it's getting late," he said, causing the girl to lift her head, a small smile on her face at the mention of food, "Oh you're right! I heard Momo was cooking tonight!" she cheered.

Jumping off his bed, she quickly made her way to the door, glancing over her shoulder "hurry up or the good food will be gone!" she called out. Bakugou just huffed a laugh as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

This wasn't what he had planned, his initial plan was to hang out with her and then tell her how he felt. When she was first rescued, visiting her at the hospital day after day was agonizing.

Just knowing he failed to protect her because he was too busy fighting Deku, right after picking a fight with Kimiko left a dull feeling in his chest.

It took him a while just to relax in her presence again, trusting that she was safe and not going to disappear or be harmed again.

Today was supposed to be the day, but when they were spending time with just the two of them, he didn't want to change anything.

He had told Aizawa that he wanted to visit Jashin in prison, to settle the score. Aizawa was obviously against the idea, though Bakugou was sure he had thought through that very same scenario at least once.

Shaking his head from all of these thoughts, Bakugou followed the blonde girl out the door and down the hall, watching her hair move as she bounced with energy in each step.

He supposed it didn't have to be today, or even tomorrow. So long as he was able to be beside her, with her undivided attention, he was content.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Kimiko was swept away from him and into the arms of Kaminari, the two laughing as the blonde male used her as a shield from Sero.

Bakugou gritted his teeth, forgetting everything he just thought, he attempted to yell at the trio, trying to scare Kaminari into releasing the girl.

Kimiko just laughed at the chaos, having too much fun to actually try and get away from Kaminari's grasp.

Bakugou stood there seething, 'forget everything I just thought,' there were too many extras that were comfortable around her for him to just be content living as a friend.

'Tomorrow,' he thought, 'I'll tell her tomorrow'

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