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"We will be training in the mountains along with class 1-B, please keep it down and stay in your seats for the drive," Aizawa said tiredly as he looked at the group of teenagers ignoring him.

To his surprise, even Kimiko was talking loudly with Uraraka, as she sat, turned around in her seat to hear her friend more clearly. He was happy that she was making friends and definitely seemed more relaxed.

Looking at the blonde boy sitting beside her, he was certain his presence played a part in relieving her anxiety. 'I guess it's good she isn't just clinging to me,' he thought, turning around and taking a seat, a small frown on his face.

Once the bus began moving, Kimiko twisted in her seat to sit properly, her knee resting comfortably against Bakugou's as she turned her attention to the boy.

"Hey, hey do you think 1-B still hates us because of you?" Bakugou huffed in response "shut up, I don't care if they hate us or not and you shouldn't either," he said in an irritated tone.

Kimiko giggled at his response, "I suppose not, but being friendly is never a bad idea when they're our comrades," she said, leaning back in her chair.

Clicking his tongue Bakugou replied without thinking, "I don't need comrades, you're hard enough to keep track of," he could feel his cheeks heating up at the way it sounded.

Placing his hand over his mouth, he turned to look out the window, avoiding the teasing smile on the girl's face, "oho so we're comrades are we?" she said, leaning towards his face.

"Does this mean you'll call me by my name? Can I call you Katsuki?" she said with a smirk as he playfully placed his palm on her forehead and shoved her back into her seat.

"Get out of my face blondie," he said loudly, hearing her laugh at his response, "you're blonde too Katsuki," he tried to ignore the way his stomach flipped when she said his name.

He was about to tell her to shut up and not call him by his first name when Tsu commented from in front of them, "when did you two get so close?" She leaned over her seat to look at the two.

"Bakugou only talks to Kirishima usually, and he hasn't even yelled yet on this trip, ribbit" Kimiko just shrugged in response as Bakugou shouted "what the hell! We're not close!" nearly bursting her eardrum.

Turning to him with a glare she said, "that hurt my ear Bakugou! Can't you be quiet for more than ten minutes?" The boy easily returned her glare but lowered his voice as he told her to sit somewhere else if she's that annoyed.

Tsu watched as the two bickered, 'I guess after the sports festival they must see each other as rivals?' she thought, sitting back down in her seat. 'They're definitely not enemies' as she heard the two stop arguing after Kimiko told him to shut it.

Kimiko felt more relaxed on the bus than she had in a long time, putting her headphones in, she shifted to get comfortable enough to take a quick nap.

She imagined they still had about an hour left of driving, closing her eyes, she could feel sleep start to take her as the bus came to a sudden stop.

She stayed still, praying they were just stopping for a bathroom break as she heard Mineta whining. Aizawa then announced that the group were getting off here to meet some special guests.

Groaning, the girl opened her eyes as she stretched in her seat. She felt an elbow in her side as Bakugou nudged her, "hurry up and move," Bakugou as he pushed her out of the seat.

"Just hold on a second jeez," she whined as they exited the bus, "you're so annoying," she heard him mutter behind her as they walked towards Aizawa. Kimiko yawned as she tuned the teacher out, not listening was becoming a bad habit.

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