Pre-Encounter Part 1

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(BTW: The crossover begins right after Tatsumi joined Night Raid, so around Ep 2 in the anime and Chapter 2-3 in the manga)

(For the Clone Wars: This is right before the Battle of Umbara, so around Season 4)

It's a bright day for The Capital, the sun is shinning down to it's enjoyer with all the warmth and care, no phones, no computer, just people living the moment.

" Hey Mom !?" A little boy spoke out with excitement to his caring mother.

" Yes honey ? " The middle aged mother answered

" Can we play hide'n seek ? " The innocent child asked with an ear to ear smile

" Sure, I'll count , so you better start hiding " The Mother responded

The little boy wasted little time, quickly running off to his favorite hiding spot in the park, he hid behind a massive tree, giggling though out the way

" Alright times up, here I come ! " The Mother shouted with a playful tone as she got up from her resting spot and walked around the park

Their a good family, even if middle class at best, their just glad their not born as the dirty mixed blood, so no one bothers you unless you don't look like one of them, but if you bothered the Imperial officials, you can guarantee a live not worth living in the torture chamber.

" Come out now ! I can't find my little Jimmy ! " The mother shouted again, pretending to be blind for the sake of her child's enjoyment.

Jimmy quickly ran out, appearing beside the massive tree he was just hiding by.

" I'm here Mom, I'm here ! " The little boy shouted in excitement, laughing without a care in the world

" Oh my, You were here the whole tim-" The mother was about to finish her sentence to complete the act, she was cut short when a massive shadow suddenly appeared, hovering over the city and it's people

The shadow that appeared over the Capital was the famous Consular-class C70 Charger aka the Aggressive Negotiator

Three Weeks Earlier, outside of Planet Coruscant's surface

Inside a Venator-Class Star Destroyer

" Sir, our scanner have located a astroid the size of a small planet " A clone naval officer informs his Commanding officer

" Impossible, an astroid that big would have would destroyed before reaching the Mid Rim " Commander Stone responded

Moments after the denial, the " Astroid " came into view of their ship, it's covered with green and blue, nothing like the looks of an astroid

Commander Stone couldn't help but glare into the beautiful planet, it's nothing like the endless cites of Coruscant, in fact the new planet resembled worlds before the Space Intervention

The Commander stood here, looking at the planet like an idiot

" Uh, Commander ? " The naval officer asked, he too was quiet amazed by this discovery

" Contact the Senate ! " The commander responded after getting his head back in the game

Four hours later at the Senate of the Galactic Republic

" Chancellor ! Is there any explanation to this strange phenomenon ? " A member of the Senate asked

The Chancellor was quiet, he was a great planner, almost the entirely of the war has been under his manipulation, but this, this is something no one visioned, a complete Planet spawning right outside of Coruscant is just too much for any being.

" Theres yet no answer to any of our questions, but worry not, we will sent in a team of our best to investigate and deliver us our answers " The old man spoke proudly at the center of his senate.

" Will you take action if this new Planet prove hostile ? " A Senator spoke up

" If only barbarians call the Planet home, then it is up to us to elevate and educate " The Chancellor answered with the face of justice and liberty

While the Chancellor was speaking, the Jedi Order stand in their isolated window, looking down at the old man, listening to his words

" Master Yoda, have we decided the selection for the research team ? " Jedi Master Mace Windu asked, turning his head towards the short green thingy of the floor

" Many choices there are, few, the ones we can trust " The tiny old green thing responded looking back up at the Jedi master due to his short size in hight

" I propose Master Obi-Wan for the role of team leader " Master Kit Fisto offered

" Then it is decided " Master Windu informs the rest of the council members, even if none got the chance to speak, because I'm lazy and didn't want to write pointless stuff.

Two days later on the Victory-Class Star Destroyer

" Your mission to is scout the terrain of the sector you been assigned to, once you completed the scanning process, rendezvous at the pick up point "

" Avoid all interaction with the locals " Clone Commander Cody informed the two Commando Unit

The Commandos nodded towards the Commander and marched away to the drop off ship

20 Minutes later on the drop off gunship

RC -1262 AKA Scorch, walked towards the window, looking down at the New Planet

" At least the Planet looks good " He muttered out glaring at the large bodies of ocean

" Get ready Deltas " RC 1138 aka Boss spoke out as he got up from his seat and walked towards the drop off door

Boss rises his arm as a Com call enters his link

The message played "This RC - 1013, my squad have landed at the drop off point, good luck "

(OK, hear me out, I can't cover so much plot in one part, so that's the first part of Pre-Encounter, second part will finish this scouting mission and move on to the crossover

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