Pre Stealth Mission

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"I believe it's no secret that the attacks on our officers during the battle wasn't random" Announced by Obi-wan to a room full of officers

Mere moments after the fighting ended, the top ranking officers present during the citadel was immediately targeted by enemy assassins, lucky, the Jedi generals soon caught on to the act, successfully preventing the last assassination on the 501st Captain

"That means the Empire has figured out our military's ranking structure" Anakin joined in on the briefing, glaring at the clone officers sitting below him with their kamas and pauldrons in all they're glary

"We speculate the cause behind this was most likely the additional protection pieces worn by our top ranking officers" Anakin continued, since the only clones that were targeted were the ones wearing pauldrons and kamas, the Jedis are pretty confident in their theory

"But sir, we worn pauldrons and kamas to signify rank during large scale battlefields" Commander Blitz augured back, the clone had gotten quite used to wearing his arc trooper gear in battles

"Unfortunately for us, it seems the Empire has the same idea" Kenobi activated a massive hologram in the front of the meeting, revealing an imperial manual found in the bodies of dead soldiers during aftermath of the battle

"The imperials call this booklet the 'Domino's Manual', we found it containing detailed information on the specific appearances of our officers, and even instructions to identify one" The hologram screen quickly switched to the next page as Anakin went on

Both Rex and Cody squint their eyes as the next page of the imperial booklet came onto the screen

The very drawings Prime minister Honest shown all the way back during his meeting for the upcoming war, the detailed pictures of the clone armor and every little things to note in between, but most importantly, the two clones saw themselves on the paper, being used as the prime examples of the officer class clones along side a depiction of Thorn's armor

The red highlights on both Rex's pauldron and kama was enough to make a point for the rest of the commanders in the room

Cody's armor was untouched for the most part, only his commander badge was noted in the manual

Thorn's armor was the most detailed, with in-depth observations for every little detail on his armor, since the Republic never retrieved the clone's body, the empire got a perfect example to study

"Thorn ..." Rex muttered, seeing the late commander's armor completely dissected for the empire to examine, it seems the empire has been preparing to fight the Republic for sometime now, they just don't know for how long

"We're not forcing anyone to remove their additional attachments, but since the enemy knows what their looking for, it is advised that you do" Anakin finished his briefing looking straight into his captain's soul, he worried since the model was literally based on Rex, he's likely gonna be the most targeted clone on battlefield

"Now that's settled, we'll let Rex and his arc trooper have the stage" Obi-wan backed away, letting the two clones on the briefing deck for their encounters with the enemy assassin

"Thank you, sir" Now facing the whole room of commanders, Rex and Fives stood with their back straight and fully prepared to spill the bean

"After being tasked to locate the assassin, my squad soon encountered the target, and ..." Fives prepared himself for what he had to say

"It was a dead clone"

Getting the whole room's attention in a matter of second, even Hammer and Blitz whom had experienced the assassins before were caught off guard, a clone coming back from the dead to kill more of its brothers sounds both frightening and ridiculous

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