Meeting and stuff

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At the Star Destroyers above the sky

The Jedi reported their mission to the Chancellor, who's in hologram form at the time, due to his job as the leader of a space government. 

" Make peace with this Empire, we must win their support over with democracy, the whole galaxy has their eyes on us, If we fail, then the Republic are nothing more then a hypocrisy build upon lies " 

The Old man in red ropes informed the Two Jedi, he doesn't care about democracy, he view this new Planet as a gold mine, all those natural resources, for his soon to be Empire, he doesn't care how many will die in order to complete this task, to him, the only thing that mattered are the results

" I'll bring this matter to the senate, we'll discuss the best cores of action there, this event could elevate the reputation of the Republic over the separatist, allowing more worlds to recognize us as their home "

The Old man finished his order, closing the hologram call, he made sure the doors to his living quarter was locked, then he got up from his seat, putting the hood over his head, the once smiling old man was gone, replaced by a cold, sinister Sith.

He opened a second call, to no other then the Count himself

" Master " A kneeling Dooku answered, expecting his new orders

" Concentrate our effects on the outer rim, my plan will not be prolonged by any CIS interventions " The now standing Sith ordered, he doesn't want a single battle droid getting close to that planet, if something goes south, then his operation will be in ruin

" Very well then, my master, I'll keep that to heart " The Count answered, as the call ended

At the landing area in the Imperial palace, around sunset

" We have arrived at the palace " The clone pilot (Oddball)announced to his passengers as the gunship's door slides open

The two Jedi and their clone officers hop down from the ship, while the rest of the security team made their landing, they know this have to be a show of force, if they want this Empire to contribute any trade, which is the reason why they bought four squads of clones with them, two from the 212th and the other two from the 501st

The imperials marched towards the clones, with no weapons in hand, in fact from what they could see, the soldier aren't even armed, they assume it's to put up a better imagine, after all, the Republic are the ones with a massive war ship floating around.

" Greetings !" one of the lead imperial said, as he walked over the two Jedi in command

" I wasn't informed you bought your soldiers with you " he commented, glaring over at the clones, covered in their blue and orange armor, with their rifles in hand, it did not help that the phase two helmet looks motionless, from a glance, the clone troopers really lived up to their name sake

" Well, there's nothing going against this action "  Anakin proudly stand his ground, he knew it was risky but he didn't care

" Well, we got no time to waste, let's move to the meeting room " the same imperial pointed his thumb behind him, facing the palace

In the hallway of the Palace

The republic troops marched into the beautiful building, it's just like the place on Naboo, for the clones this was pretty new, I guess your standards are lower when you spend 1/5 of your entire life on the battle front

The Jedi or at least Anakin, he been though the kind of hallways many times on Naboo,  in fact he's sick and tired of it, so out of boredom he attempts to connect with the force, at least that's actually useful, so the young Jedi hold out his hand, sensing the force within his surroundings, but almost immediately the Jedi sensed something wrong, the unheard screams of many, filled with pain and agony.

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now