Republic Vs Empire Part 2

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Screams of pure terror graced the land of the South, the 6th and 7th Imperial army had the misfortune of facing against the most psychopathic officer of the grand army of the Republic

Commander Faie, a clone who obeys any and all orders of his superiors, a man regarded as emotionless by his peers, and some would even consider him a droid in human skin, since no matter how messed up the order is, he'll obey as long as it's for the good of the Republic, Faie is what the Kaminoans call as the ' ideal clone '

And right now, the commander's glaring down at the holographic map of the battle below, seeing the poor Imperial soldiers running for their lives as his Venator continues to rain hell

As of this point it's no longer just the Imperial Army suffering from the relentless attacks of the massive Star Destroyer, the entire terrain was being erased by the powerful cannons on the ship

Levitating with the clouds, low enough to be seen by the natives below, meaning most of the inhabitants in the South witnessed the Republic Star Destroyer mercilessly terminate the Imperial forces, trembling as the shots grew louder and louder, seeing their land, their home being replaced by craters, the size of an entire Earth Dragons, the natives just pray there'll still be some part of the land left they could farm on after this calamity

The once mighty army of the Empire was now in shambles, with thousands of bodies covering the green prosperous land with their bloody parts everywhere, the once pleasant blue streams recolored into a darken red by the blood of the fallen imperials

It absolutely sucks to be in their shoes, seeing the massive ship first hand was already a handful to process, combined that with everyone you know exploding into oblivion is definitely going to haunt your dreams forever, the army tried to fight back, shooting at the behemoth with every cannon they got, too bad none were even close to hitting the target

And that's not even the worse part, the Minister promised those were just troop transports and nothing else, but unfortunately, they found out the hard way, those 'Star Destroyers' were indeed not troop transports

As the clone proudly glared down at his masterpiece, a Com call came into view, and it's from no other then the Jedi Master Plo Koon

" Commander Faie, stand down ! " The Jedi master spoke with a less than gentle tone, very piss off by the clone's tactic

" The Republic's actions here are to liberate the people under the Empire's control, not to destroy their home " The Jedi informed the clone, being the peacekeeper that he is, he won't even consider using a star destroyer in this war, sending crater makers onto the enemies with no chance of fighting back is honesty pretty evil, but then again, the Empire is also pretty evil, so who's really the bad guys ?

" I want to know who gave you clearance to fire ? " The General followed up with a question, he is going to have a hell of a talk with the idiot in charge

" I was granted permission by General Skywalker " The Clone told his general the truth

" ... I see, withdraw from the sector for now, I'll have a word with him later "

And with that, the talk ended, leaving a very displeased Plo Koon to think, maybe Anakin should've been kept out of this campaign, seeing just how much the knight's willing to slide, but he doesn't have a lot of time to think this though, since he's gunship just arrived, the Jedi master will finally join the battle himself, and hopefully, talk some sense into Skywalker

We cut to the Northern Front

After the devastating clash between the two armies, the once gigantic imperial was cut down by half, losing 40% of their man power from just the first contact, the 2th and 4th imperial army was in complete shambles

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now