Pre-Encounter Part 2

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In the dense forest part of the Imperial Territory, Two Commando Squads and one Jedi General, scout the areas, quietly moving from sectors to sectors,

" This is Squad 84, We complete scanning for sector 6, advancing to sector 12 " The message play on the hologram of the Jedi's palm

" They're in a hurry " Fixer remarked as he marched along side the Jedi General

" Maybe their scared of trees " Scorch replied jokingly

Obi-Wan just turn his head turns the commando with the face of disappointment

" Grow up 6'2 " RC-1207 aka Sev ordered his brother with the deepest voice a clone could own

While the group marched to their location, they start feeling the ground below shaking

Obi-Wan, being a Jedi managed to sense the coming danger

" Move Back ! " The Jedi shouted as the ground burst open, and the danger beast smash though the ground and into view of the clones

The beast was an Earth Dragon, a formidable foe for any common foes, for any common foes this was it, for any common foes, this is where the story ends, but these people are anything but the common foes (Well maybe the clones, they're pretty common, but IDC)

" Oh Crap ! " Fixer shouted looking at the earthly beast

" Move to cover ! " Boss ordered while running towards the near by tree

The Jedi now in full view of the Beast, he ignited his Lightsaber, the shinning blue light obviously attracted the attention of the breast.

Swinging it's arm the beast charged the Jedi, swinging again to catch the small prey, but too it's surprise, when the massive hand clinched, there was no Jedi was in sight.

Hopping from tree to tree, Obi-Wan move with the speed of the force, swiftly swinging to a breach behind the beast

The Beast looked at it's empty palm in shock, quickly looking around the area, when all seem clear, the beast heard a sound unlike anything it ever come by, the sound of a moving Lightsaber

It turn it's head turns the coming sound, however it was too late, the humming of the blue blade getting ever closer, in a matters of seconds the dragon lost it's eye, it screamed in pain holding on to what's left of it's left eye

The Jedi make his landing after the successful attack, turning his head towards the clones in cover

" Now ! " The Jedi ordered as he move away from the direct line of fire

" Deltas, Open Fire ! " Boss shouted unleashing his power by the pull of a trigger

The Danger Beast was caught by surprise once more by the technology of the superior civilization

Sev lineup his shot, he was aiming to take out the remaining eye

Scorch alternated his blaster to the grenade launcher attachment piece

" This is where the fun begin " The clone muttered out as he finished reloading the shot

The Beast was now getting use to feeling the blaster bolts, it charged towards the clones

" His getting closer " Fixer commented while continuously firing towards the coming danger

" Don't worry " Scorch comfort his brother while raising his grenade launcher at the Dragon's leg

With a simple pull of the trigger, the beast fall to the floor, it's leg blown into smithereens, once it make the fall, Sev pull the shot, blinding the beast immediately.

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now