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The imperial command center hastily set up outside the citadel

The cowardly general Nouken, sensing the ensuing carnage has long evacuated the citadel even before the battle started, having the genius Dr. Stylish accompanying him as an escort

For the general, the reality of defeat sinked in a long time ago, he knew the citadel couldn't hold the line for very long, instead he opted to eliminate as many republic officers as he can to chip away the weight of his defeat

"General" Kurome entered the command center to report the loss of her greatest asset

"The Death Tagool was defeated near the central building" The female Jaeger now stands before her general, the kaiju that caused so much chaos was under her control during most of the battle, explaining how it immediately knew where the jedi generals were located

"They took down the Super class danger beast ?" The general could only ask in disbelief, it didn't help that the only responds he received was more silence

"How much ground did the danger beast manage to take back ?"

"Around half a mile sir"

After taking in the new information at hand, the general understood he must plan out his next course of actions carefully, dispute having most of the Jaeger units present during the battle, he knew sending them out at once won't win battle, furthermore, it seems the Jaeger unit that was sent to kill general Kenobi failed her mission as well, if he doesn't play his cards right, then the Jaegers won't make a difference

"Dr. Stylish ! I need your help, what can we do to stop the republic advance ?" The now desperate leader turned towards the mad scientist

The doctor in question was probably not anyone's first pick for help, but not right, he's the smartest person in the room

The doctor took a quick second or two, thinking of anything that could turn this mess around "Hmm, the battles is lost, but I would take out their OCCs before we call in the retreat" Stylish answered with not an ounce of worry in his voice, in fact, it seems like he doesn't care

With much reluctant, the general had no other choice but to the accept defeat, however, that won't stop him from getting back at the republic, they'll kill as much officer class clones as possible before retreating

(Lore explanation)

Officer Class Clones: A special class of clones marked under the "Domino's manual" in preparation for the war against the republic, to be identified as an officer class, one must be donning a kama or a pauldron (there has been multiple sighting of clones equipped with both) once spotted, elimination of the officer class becomes priority

"All remaining active Jaeger units, hunt down any officer class clones you can find, once you're done, buy time for the main army's retreat, am I understood ?" The big tough guy stood proud giving out another suicide order so he can save his own butt

We cut back to the citadel

Most of the small remaining imperial forces were pushed to the corners of fortification, caught off from each other with no chance of survival, it's easy to say the republic won the day

Out of the four battalions presents during the battle, only the 501st remains fightings, the 612th and the Rancor battalion moved on to the cleaning process, finding and killing any survivors like the psychos they are (Those imperial do kinda deveres it tho)

Now scouring through the remains of the battlefield with his group, the bright red leader of the 612th, commander Ganch looked for any injured imperial that haven't received the blaster bolt to the head

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now