Citadel Siege Part 1

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The words spread fast, when the once eager civilians of the Empire soon learned the war effect, it's absolutely unbelievable, that in just one day, the battlefield has moved to their front door, two entire armies was pushed back by only a 400 men battalion, the Republic's progress was absolutely astonishing to the point where people are actually questioning the legitimacy of the news, many believe there was a misprint, other even close by countries also find it unbelievable, but the worse of all, the casualty count couldn't be worse
It's as of this point, the Empire realized they might have bite off more than they can chew

Inside one of the Star Destroyers room, Jedi master Obi-wan Kenobi stood alone, the room was mostly empty with a few clones manning the ship, the master Jedi waited, staring down at the hologram table

Suddenly, one by one, the hologram of various Jedi members appeared, the Jedi council have gathered for their next meeting, still standing in place, Obi-wan counted the Jedis present, most of them are here, with only the Grandmaster missing

"Hello, Master Kenobi" The Jedi master known as Mace Windu greeted

"Master Windu, it's been quite some time" Obi-wan returned the gesture


"For past week, the council has discussed the necessary actions against Prime Minister Honest, and we have reached an agreement with the Chancellor today,  your orders are take the minister in, Alive" The Jedi master informed the general

"Taking the minister alive ? master Windu, you know Anakin as well as I do, he won't agree to this" Obi-wan explained, knowing his student, he'll probably kill the minister the first chance he got, to be fair, the fat man absolutely deserves it, but if Anakin gave in to hatred, a branch to the dark side will surely open for the chosen one, something kenobi won't allow

"That is why, he isn't here" The Jedi master spoke in his typical manner, cold and straight to the point, in his mind, a good Jedi aren't supposed to act on their own emotions, even one hiccup could lead the dark side clouding their judgment

"Both Master Yoda and the Chancellor have agreed to a diplomatic solution, Minister Honest will stand trial" Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi once more reinforce the notion of the Jedi way

"Please forgive us for placing such heavy burden upon you" The Jedi known as Kit Fisto expressed his apologies, seeing how harsh his peers talked

After being told of his mission, the Jedi Master paused for a moment or two, on one hand, he knows there's likely a political agenda behind this decision, but saying that to  Anakin's face seems hypocritical, after everything the minister did, Anakin won't let him live

As Obi-wan continues to wonder, with a heavy heart, he made his decision

"If it's truly the will of the force, then I will do what I must" Kenobi informed his fellow council members, giving a simple nod from Windu and Mundi, Fisto on the other hand, seems more worried, unlikely his usual self

We cut to the main hangar of the Destroyer

"Sir, we're ready to initiate the bombing run"  Lieutenant Hawks reported to his commanders

"Good, all wings, begin launching sequence" Anakin gave out his first order on this planet, filled with eagerness, those Imperials will pay, by his own hands or not

"This is Hammer, the Rancor battalion is ready to go, just give the word" The commander spoke over the coms

As the Jedi Knight commanded the initial wave's departure, he soon joined by his old master

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