Act of War

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Inside the command room of the Star Destroyer above the planet's atmosphere

" General, the escort party requested an immediate pick up, the commander lost control of the situation " Commander Wolffe reported to his Jedi General about the problem at hand

" I see, call in all units close by to the Imperial palace, prioritize the Senator's safety " Jedi General Plo Koon ordered, his really surprised this stuff happened again, even lighting won't strike the same spot twice

At the Republic Quarter of the South

" Attention, All members of the Second Platoon, report to the airfield for immediate take off " The announcement broadcasted repeatedly, while the clones rushed all over the place, they were all asleep just ten minutes ago, until the Commander barged into the barracks and screamed bloody murder over some surprise mission  

" What now, another riot ? " an annoyed Boil asked, barely keeping his eyes up, holding onto the railings of the gunship for dear life, as the ship took off

" Beats me " Waxer replied with a shrug of the shoulder, holding onto the same railings his brother relied upon

All the chatting ended when their commander approached the group

" The Coruscant Guard Commander requested assistants at the Imperial palace, however the General stated that the Empire's still an allied nation, that means no explosives, and if possible, minimizes casualties" 

After the commander finished the mission's profile, the clones quickly turned their carbines to stun, treating the Empire as an ally of the Republic, however, that's just an one sided belief

Back to the Capital City

" Sir ! we spotted four Republic ships flying towards the palace, their heading for the East selection ! " A unnamed soldier reported his finding

" Must be the reinforcements " General Budo muttered out, as he marched for the East sector

" Oh, and clean up his body " The general ordered  before leaving the hallway

The Imperial Soldier looked down, noticing what's left of Thorn, the clone's lifeless body scattered on palace floor, from the looks of it, the commander was blasted into pieces, but not before a good beating, his helmet was shattered into dozens of tiny pieces, still hot from the blast he took

(Sorry for killing Thorn off screen)

The Imperial soldiers formed a line at the expected landing spot of the gunships, almost all of the rifle men at the palace were called in, since the Empire know the power of the clone blasters, they have no choice but to call in Dark Squad, an elite assassin unit, since given the time they had to prepare, this was all they could do for now

" Here they come ! " The commanding imperial officer shouted, seeing the gunship in range of their rifles, he's seems confused, for all the gunships didn't open fire, and for clones, that might be their last mistake 

" Aim for the pilots ! " the same officer ordered, with all 30 gun men firing their rifle towards the gunship cockpit, with the pilots barely avoiding the coming fire

" We're taking fire ! " Cody shouted to his General, it seems, being nice about it backfired hard for the Republic

" Fine ! Open fire at any personal attacking the gunship ! " Obi-Wan ordered, he didn't plan for the Imperials to turn on the Republic that quick, just how badly did the meeting go wrong for this to happen ?

Two of the gunships stopped in their track, lowering their two turrets at the soldiers below, one of Imperials attacking the gunship noticed the change immediately, and an idea came into his head

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now