Negotiations and Boundaries

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*Three weeks after the discovery of the Planet

The sun shines brightly upon the Capital city of the infamous Empire, the rich continues to abuse the poor, I guess life goes on, the great General Esdeath finally returned from her glories campaign against the North, firmly insuring the Capital's control over their people, the group known as " Night Raid " has been causing problems for the Empire, and she's here to put them in their place. (Crucified to trees, of course)

However on this day, the Empire's expecting new arrival, the Republic has scheduled a meeting with the Prime Minister himself, about laws of wars or something stupid

" Sir, The Republic Senator has made his landing in the East Garden " A guard reported to the fat man himself

" Good, escort him to the meeting room, I'll make my arrival later " Honest ordered, facing away from the guard, sinking into his chair while at it, he know this kind of things would happen sooner or later, he ordered all torture facility to keep it indoors, shutting down all out door torture camps, and remodeling them into storage units, he'll not let the Republic see this side of the Empire no matter what

The guard left with a simple nod, marching towards the Republic landing zone

The shuttle was the infamous Consular-class C70 Charger aka the Aggressive Negotiator, with it's shining red paint flying above the city and its people, it's basically asking attention, and they sure got all the attention, the people stop whatever their planing , looking up upon the flying ship, the massive Star Destroyer left the city a few days ago, and now this new one pops up, it seems the people really can't catch a break

" Welcome to the Imperial Palace " A guard greeted the Senator, with two lines of maids standing on the edge of the path way

The green Senator " Onaconda Farr " made his way down the shuttle, the Rodian proudly approached the Imperials, after all, this is his chance to redeem himself after the CIS incident on his home world, following him was the infamous Coruscant Guards, their darken red armor made sure all the eyes were on them

" Their are my escorts " The Rodian senator informed the Imperials with a simple smile, after all, he doesn't want any of them to get the wrong idea

" I see, please allow me to guide our guests to the meeting room " The imperial faked a smile, pointing his arm towards the direction of the room

And with that, the Senator wasted no time, making his way to the meeting room, with his guards following close behind

" Sir, I got four men to guard the ship, we'll be more then enough for your protection " Commander Thorn informed the rich Greedo knock off, in which the senator responded with a simple nod 

While the Clones march down the palace, maids and servants gathered, just to get a quick glimpse of the " Cloned Soldiers " they heard so much about, and they'll not disappointed, the CGs live up to their name as soulless tools, marching in perfect unison, with just the commander himself walking out of pace, but they didn't care

" I thought those clones were suppose to be blue " One young servant muttered out, since the last time the clones were here, it was the 501st, he guess there's different versions of clones now

" Hey look, the one in the front, what is that ? " The maid asked, seeing a Rodian for the first time

The servants went back to work after Thorn gave them a look, scaring them away with just a single glare

When the group reached the meeting room, the doors opened just like last time, the six clones remained outside, guarding the room, while the commander went in with the senators

Akame Ga Kill X Clone Wars (With a tiny bit of Dark Times)Where stories live. Discover now