Chapter 24-Technically not a Fight

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"Find Ryland LaRue and bring him back to me ALIVE!" I shout slamming my door.

I sigh and then my phone rings.


"Hi Mr. Katz. This is Mrs. Sharp. Your sister Izebel was in a fight..."

"It wasn't a fight he would have needed to fight back-" Izebel's voice comes.

"I'll be right there." I snap, hanging up the phone. It's her first day. Her first day.

"Hey can we talk about the shipments..." Blake says coming into my office.

"Izzi got in a fight. I have to go pick her up." I mumble, walking past him.

"She what?!" He asks grabbing my arm.

"You heard me." I sigh. "I need you to stay here. Keep an eye on things. I'll call you as soon as I find out what happened."

Blake reluctantly lets me go and I quickly hurry to my car, practically racing to get to Izebel's school.

Once I'm there a take a deep breath and then walk inside to the office.


I've been sitting in the office for like...ever. Apparently they called Noah.

I'm in deep shit.

The door flies open and he rushes inside, scanning me over, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah! Mr. Katz." Mrs. Sharp smiles. "It's good to see you again."

"Cut the small talk." He snaps. "What happened?"

"Well...your sister got into a fight with another boy."

"It was not a fight." I snap. Both of them turn to me. "If you're going to suspend me at least get the story straight. He didn't stand a chance."

I catch Noah make a small smile before turning back to the principal.

"I want to know what happened." He growled.

"Izebel instigated a fight against one of our senior boys. She slammed him into the wall...threatened him..."

I chuckle and lean back in my chair.

"Is there something you'd like to say, Izebel?" She snaps.

"Yes. Thank you." I smile. "A girl was running away from him and he was chasing her. She was terrified and turning fuc...very pale. So I told him to leave and then he grabbed my neck."

"So technically it was self defense." I shrug. "And I don't get why it's my fault he can't fight a fifteen year old girl."

"The boy was very injured and..."

"Are you dull?" Noah snaps. "My sister very clearly just explained her side of the story, and you still have the audacity to keep talking like she's the one who instigated this fight?"

"Mr. Katz, we have a no fight policy at this school..."

"So you would rather my sister get strangled to death than her fight for herself?"

She doesn't answer.

"We have to suspend Izebel." She says instead.

"You won't do shit." He growls. Then he turns to me. "Izebel go wait outside please." He snaps.

I don't hesitate and quickly grab my things, leaving the room.

As I sit down on a bench I hear Noah yelling at Mrs. Sharp. Well it's about damn time.

"There you are!" I turn and see Elsah running towards me. "What happened? Are you getting suspended?"

"Doubtful. Noah is in there." I sigh, leaning my head against the bench.

"Good. Then we can talk about France." She smiles.

"Elsah, I may potentially get suspended on my first day of school. And you want to talk about France?"

"It's urgent." She says, sitting down. "There's a pattern. After you got dragged to the office I started researching in history class."

"What kind of pattern?" I ask.

"How the girls keep disappearing. They all reappear two months before they're taken again."

"What?" I ask. "I've already been here for a month."

"Exactly. We have a month to stop this. We learn as much as we can and..."

"Elsah, this is serious. The mafia is serious. If I tell it will start a war. And if I start a war everyone will die." She looks at me like I have five heads.

"Who's going to die?" Noah asks, walking out of the office.

"Me because I'm currently skipping class." Elsah sighs, standing up. "Bye Iz."

I mumble a goodbye and then look up to an angry Noah. "Come on, we're going home." He snaps.

I grab my stuff and follow him out the door into his car. "Look im sorry I-"

"Don't apologize." He snaps quickly. I stare at him confused. "If anyone ever puts their hands on you, I will never be mad if you defend yourself. You had every right to do what you did."

"But you're mad."

"I'm mad because you have a fucking idiot for a principal who doesn't address the way her students are being harassed. Also, because that idiot even dared to come an inch near you."

"Finally, someone agrees with me." I sigh.

At this he looks over at me, a sympathetic smile on his face. "I'm sorry you were treated that way. It will not happen again."

"So im suspended?" I ask.

"No. You'll be returning tomorrow. Unless you want me to find you a different school..."

"No. It's fine. I...I already have a friend here. Makes it a lot easier."

"Ok." He nods. "You're not hurt are you?" He asks.

"No. He didn't even get a chance." I smirk.

We drive in silence the rest of the way home. It's not the kind of silence that makes you anxious. The kind that's comfortable.

The moment I step in the house everyone is swarming me.

"What the hell happened?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Did you win?"

"I'm going to kick his ass-"

"Guys." Noah snaps, making everyone go quiet. "Everyone needs to shut up and let Iz explain what happened."

Now everyone is staring at me. This feels like first period all over again.

"This girl was running away from some di...senior guy. And we told him to get away because he was obviously scaring her. He didn't and he grabbed my collar so...I slammed him to the ground. It wasn't even a fight. He didn't have a chance to fight back..."

"He did what?"

"I'm calling the school right now."

"We can kill him together. Deal?"

All of my brothers start shouting and I take that as my chance to escape to my room and lay on my bed to nap.

What? Dealing with cocky boys is draining.


sorry for the really slow updates...BUT TYSM FOR 2k+ reads. It means the world and I appreciate it so much !

don't forget to like and comment have the bestest day!

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