Chapter 33-Dead

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I've been home for two weeks. I've barely left my bed let alone my room.

Ryland told my brothers everything that happened to him...and everything that happened to me...everything that he witnessed at least.

Talking about it was hard. For a while I thought I was going to puke every time I opened my mouth, and then slowly it got easier.

I didn't remember a lot of things. And a lot of people.

So today, I had a request.

"Hey Iz." Ivan smiled walking into my room with a tray of food.

"Ivan I need to talk to you." I whisper, straightening myself against my pillows. Color seems to literally drain from my face. "What? I was just going to ask about Elsah..."

"I need to tell you something." He whispers. He sits on the edge of my bed, staring at the ceiling. "Elsah was sick. With cancer."

"What?" I snap.

"She was dying. There was nothing more the doctors could do." He whispers.

"You knew?" I ask, my voice is hoarse. "You knew and you didn' didn't tell me?"

"She asked me not to. She told me...she told me that I couldn't tell you."

"Why are you using past tense?" I snap. "I need to see her I..."

"Her funeral is today. One of her biggest regrets is that she didn't get to say goodbye to you, so I think...I think she would really appreciate if you came."

My head is spinning. She's dead? She had cancer? She died. I want to puke. Or sob. Anything to escape feeling this way. I feel awful.

"Elsah Marie was my sister. She was my light. When she told me she...when she told me she was dying with cancer I...I didn't know how to react. For the past few months we had been living together she helped me in so many ways not even she realized. I was...I was around the wrong people. People who continued to hurt me over and over again, and Elsah showed me how much I mattered. She showed me that I'm a person and that I deserve to be loved. And Elsah was smart. So so smart. She was an amazing computer genius...I think that's what it's called and she was always willing to help someone. So thank all of you...thank you all for being here." Vivi smiled, tears dropping from her eyes.

People clapped and somehow I found the strength to do the same.

The service ended and everyone broke into groups. I stayed with my brothers.

"Oh my gosh, Izzi!" Vivian shouted from across the lawn. "Ivan told me everything. I just want...I wanted you to know that Elsah did everything she could...when she found your location..."

I block out the rest of everything she says. Elsah saved my ass once again. In her dying moments that bitch saved my ass.

"I...I'm sorry just give me one second." I smile, walking past Vivi.

Elsah's coffin is closed thankfully, but no one is around it. It's just us.

"Hey. It's me." I smile. "I just...I had to say thank you before they put you in the ground. You showed me what is was like to have a friend. A true friend. And without you I never would have had the relationships I do with every single one of my brothers. I love you Elsah. Thank you. Thank you for everything."

the end !

that was a terrible ending ik, but all my motivation for this book has completely left my body. Anyways, thank you to anyone and everyone who read this. I am currently working on a romance novel that I hope to publish very soon. Love you all!!

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