Chapter 4: The Fight

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The bell rang loudly.

"Oh, time for class!" Kendra said happily. "Today is Friday. We have History of Naira first. Please do keep up in class. I understand that this class is a tad bit difficult for you, but Professor Nerton will get a bit suspicious."

And so, we went to History class.

History was the most boring class of all. I was always a backbencher and even dozed off in class.

Kendra on the other hand always sat in the front, knew all the answers was probably the only person who paid any attention.

And I was Kendra. Ugh. Who cares about the Battle of Lake Tamahin? Or an elf revolution?

The class was boring as usual, and I tried my very best not to doze off, which wasn't hard since

Professor Nerton was always looking directly at me as if he was expecting me to answer every

question he asked.

Oh wait, I was Kendra. Of course, he did.

If the whole day was gonna be like this, then I didn't want to be Kendra anymore.

I have no idea how she managed to survive doing this every day. After just one class, I was ready to go back to bed.

You have no idea how happy I was when I finally heard the bell ring. It was my savior from the boring lecture on the Dragon uprising.

However, Professor Nerton didn't seem finished yet. He called me to stay for a few minutes before leaving.

"So, Kendra, I've noticed that you weren't as active today in class." He said to me.

'More like didn't even care' I thought.

"I was just tired today. The stress of the exams coming up and all." I said, making my best impression of Kendra.

I must've been pretty convincing cause professor Nerton let me go.

As I walked out Kendra stopped me.

"What did he want?" She asked

"Nothing." I said, "Let's go."

"You do realize I have Potions and you have Flying?" She asked me.

That cheered me up instantly.

If there was one class I liked, it was Flying.

I loved the feeling of the wind in my hair, my powerful wings beating, and the thrill of excitement.

And maybe, with Kendra in my body, she could get my Potions grade up.

I quickly reached Flying class.

We did some basic wing exercises, and I was surprised to see that I got tired really quickly. I love flying. Why am I tired already?

Then I remembered I was Kendra. She was great at magic, but physical activity just wasn't her thing. And flying is physical activity.

This thought discouraged me, but I made it through Flying.

Next was Powers, which was thankfully with Kendra.

Making my way to the class, I thought about how great it would be to finally have a chance to test out Kendra's powers.

As soon as I reached, Madame Heathre made her way to me.

"Oh Kendra, you're here. You can go to the summer section now." She said so nicely.

Oh shit! I had forgotten that Kendra has summer today.

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