Terezi x Chalk

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You l1ck th3 ch4lk off th3 w4ll slowly, s4vor1ng th3 t4st3. You love ch4lk. You love ch4lk so much. 1t's so yummy. Once th3 ch4lk 1s gone from the w4ll, you t4ke th3 st1ck out of your box and l1ck 1t. Running your tongue up the l3ngth of the ch4lk, you grin at the r3d t4ste. R3d 1s your favour1te. You curl your tongu3 4round the st1ck of ch4lk, s4vor1ng th3 t4st3. Suck1ng the fl4vour from th3 ch4lk, you s1gh happ1ly 4round the st1ck. You f1n1sh th3 st1ck. Th3n 4noth3r. Th3n 4noth3r. You've f1n1sh3d the whol3 box in no t1m3z you'll h4ve to g3t more. You lov3 your ch4lk.

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