Chapter 5

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Bernard was dragging me through the workshop, and down a hall way still holding on to my arm. Then we went into a room with beautiful fabrics, string and curtains hanging up all around, then i spotted a small platform with a mirror in front of it.

"Um why'd you bring me here?" I ask Bernard nervously

"Oh sorry" he says now letting go of my arm "you're getting some clothes made that are suitable for a princess" he says looking down at my pajamas for a quick second, making me feel a little embarrassed

Then two elves appear from behind one of the curtains

"Stand up on the platform please" one of them says sweetly, I look at Bernard for a second who nods meaning it's ok to do what they say, I walk over and step up on the platform

They take my coat off and start taking my measurements

"You know, we haven't had a princess in 1600 years.." one of them says while finishing up measuring

"Really? Why not?" I asked her, she was now done

"I'll tell you some other time, now let me show you to your room" Bernard cuts in

We walk back the same way we came and went back up the stairs, then down another hall this place is a maze! But Bernard walks around so confidently!

We finally reach my room and he opens the door for me, oh my god this room is beautiful! There's a huge canopy bed with dark red covers and curtains that almost look like ribbons, the floor is unbelievably soft!

"Wow, is this really my room?" I ask Bernard while looking around the room in awe then over at him

"Yes, it is. It's perfect for a princess." He says giving me a small smile

"It's hard to believe I'm really a princess! I mean me out of all people!" I say smiling to myself while continuing to look around the room

"I must say I'm surprised, you're handling this much better than your Dad." Bernard says chuckling quietly while shaking his head

"Well I guess it's because I know this is a dream..." I say feeling a twinge of sadness while looking at a single white lily that I slowly spin between my fingers, I had found a whole vase of them.

"This isn't a dream (y/n)" Bernard sighs hoping he won't have to go round and round with me like he did my dad

"Here let me give you this." He says reaching into his brown satchel. He pulls out a gold locket with flowers engraved in it with a diamond in the middle

"Here turn around." He says holding up the necklace

I do as he says and turn around moving my hair out of the way, my back facing him he hesitates, then puts the necklace on me

"Bernard... it's beautiful! I can't take this!" I say looking at the necklace, then to him who's cheeks are a little more pink then usual

"Consider it a gift. that necklace was the princess's before you, Now you better get some rest, you've had a long day." He says turning around and headed for the door

"Bernard?" I say as he walks away

"Yes princess?" He says turning around before he reaches the door

"Thank you." I say softly smiling at him, having to deal with Dad and me, he's probably exhausted

"Just doin my job." He says with a smile "oh and there are some night gowns and pajama sets in that dresser over there." He says pointing to a big white dresser

"Oh! Thank you." I say thanking him once again

"Sweet dreams princess." He says and with that he's gone.

I walk over to the dresser and pick out a silky pajama set, I take off the pajamas that I have been wearing all night and put on the new ones.

After I change I hear a knock at the door

"Come in!" I yell out to the person knocking, they come in, it's a girl and she's brought a mug of something

"Hi princess! I'm Judy! Do you want some cocoa? It's my own recipe! It took me 1200 years to get right!"

"Sure! Why not?" I say as she hands me the big mug of cocoa and I take a sip, WOW was that the best cocoa I have tasted!

"You know I think Bernard really likes you." She says wiggling her eyebrows a bit while looking at me, giggling

"Why do you say that?" I say choking a bit on my coco

"Well everyone saw that interaction you guys had! The way he reached into your hair?" She says with a big grin plopping down next to me on the foot of the bed

"O- oh I just had something in my hair, anyone would do that.." I say blushing a bit

"But the way he looked at you! No one has ever seen him be so gentle!! Plus he was blushing so hard when came out of your room just now!" Judy said scooting closer to me still grinning

"Well I think he was just helping me" I say looking away from the small girl's big eyes

"Hmmm well I'll let you off the hook this time, you should get some rest. Goodnight princess!" She says with a small giggle, she takes my mug and heads out the door

"Goodnight Judy" I say with a smile, I climb into the big comfy bed, and fall right asleep with the gold locket clutched in my fist

"(Y/n)!! (Y/n)!! (Y/n)! Wake up! Its Christmas!!!" Charlie says shaking me awake

"5 more minutes" I say still asleep

"(Y/n)!! Come on! You got presents!!" Charlie says climbing onto my bed and starting to jump on it

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I say sitting up and rubbing my eyes, Charlie then grabs my hand and pulls me into the living room, while I lay down on the couch in the living room trying to get a few more minutes of sleep while Charlie goes to wake up Dad

Hey! Thanks for reading!! Sorry if this chapter was a little short I've had family over for the holidays! But I hope you've liked it so far! Also this is what I imagine the locket looks like!
-sen <3

Hey! Thanks for reading!! Sorry if this chapter was a little short I've had family over for the holidays! But I hope you've liked it so far! Also this is what I imagine the locket looks like!-sen <3

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