Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks since Christmas and Bernard has visited me a few times (unexpectedly) to teach me some princess things and what my job is going to be, basically, I look after the elves, step in if Santa is ever away, attend special events, and help keep the spirit of Christmas alive.

Bernard has told me that the the princess basically had the same job as the head elf but since they haven't had a princess in so long, the head elf stepped up.

Today was Charlie's parents day at school, I wasn't allowed to go cause I'm not a 'parent'. Though I consider myself to be somewhat of a parent to Charlie, I helped raise him.

I was working at a desk in a workers only room putting library stickers and checkout cards in some new books that just got sent in while listening to an old cassette tape of Dads, it's always quiet during school hours. After school is usually when 'rush hour' hits, boy is it hectic.

All of the sudden, all of the lights turned off in the room I was in! I looked up from the books and took my headphones off that are now hanging around my neck.

"You have a pretty voice you know." A familiar deep voice says in the dark from behind me, oh gosh was I singing?! I grab a book as a weapon and turn around fast about to throw it at the person but stopped when I heard a small bell jingle.

"Bernard??" I say squinting my eyes trying to see if that's really him, putting the book down

"Yes it's me. Sorry about the lights, I didn't want anyone to see me." He says, I suddenly realize how small this room is and how close we are to each other, I can slightly feel his breath on me. Thank god it's dark in here, my face feels hot.

"Is this an ok time for me to take you somewhere?" He asks looking around for a second

"Um sure, I'm about to go on lunch anyway." I say looking up at him. When did he get so tall???

He softly grabs my arm and we're not in the library anymore. I feel it get colder, we must be at the North Pole. We're in a beautiful study with a big dark wooden desk with stacks of paper and books on it, a big fire place, a huge book case-

"Ok, here we are." Bernard says cutting off my thoughts. "This was the old princess study, it's been mine for awhile now, but I've kept this room untouched." He says now leading me over to the big book case, he pulls two books half way out and pushes three in, the whole book case opens and a big secret room appears.

"Oh wow." I say star struck looking around the beautiful room. Bernard leads me over to the fireplace

"These are paintings of the past princess's." He says smiling up at the big paintings of the three women that are all wearing the tiara I had put on in the sleigh. They're beautiful.

"Wait, there have only been 3 princess?" I ask him, looking at the paintings then up at him

"Yes, unfortunately only 3 of the past Santa's firstborns were women." He says still looking at me, frowning a bit

"What happened to them?" I ask wanting to know more

"I actually don't know, they each were many years apart. Just like how you are 1600 years apart from the last princess." He says looking back at the paintings

"They each have the locket." I say quietly, almost a whisper

"Wait they do?! Where?!" Bernard says, hearing what I said

"She wears it as a brooch" I say pointing to the red head princess, "she wears it as a bracelet" pointing to the blonde princess, "and of course she wears it as a necklace." I say pointing to the last one who has jet black hair

"How have I never noticed that?! (Y/N) you're amazing!" Bernard says grabbing my hands in his looking at me

"Oh! Um, I just like art and I like looking for little things like that... it's nothing really" I say blushing and looking away from him

"Im sorry! I didn't mean to lose my composure like that..." He says softly letting go of my hands

"No no it's ok, it was...nice..." I say looking back at him to see that he is looking away and has a big smile and blush on his face, he's so pretty.

"A-anyway you can come here anytime you want, there's lots of things the other princess's left behind." He says, catching me looking at him

"Who all knows about this room?" I ask sheepishly looking away for getting caught, if my face wasn't red before it is now.

"Um, just you and me" He says "I- Let's get you back to work." he says nodding his head a little and now holding out his hand while blushing with a lopsided smile, I take his hand in mine and we're back in the workers only room in the library

"Well um I'll come see you again soon, bye for now princess." He says with a smile and he's gone, why does he always leave so fast?

I work for a bit more, then it's time to clock out and head home.

I walked in the house with dad and Charlie talking in the living room

"But it's true Dad!" Charlie says to Dad then noticing me walking in the house (Y/N)!!! You're home!!" He says running to me and giving me a big hug

"Hey Char!" I say bending down to hug him back "Hey Dad, what's going on?"

"Dads taking us to the zoo!!" Charlie says before Dad can respond

"You are?" I ask looking up at Dad

"Yep. Everyone in the car." Dad says motioning to the door

"Wait let me change first." I say as I head to my room to get out of my work clothes

We had reached the polar bear exhibit and that's where things were going down hill when Dad started to explain to Charlie that he wasn't Santa

"Charlie, I already told ya. We did not go to the North Pole. It was a dream." Dad said

"You're in denial Dad." Charlie said

"Denial. You don't even know what that means." Dad said

"Denial is a river in Egypt" I say under my breath giggling a bit

"What?" Dad says looking at me annoyed and confused

"We know what happened Dad!" Charlie said

"How do you know that? How? You don't have any proof."  Dad said to Charlie shrugging his shoulders

"Proof?" Charlie said starting to dig in his bag

"Why can't we all think of it as just a great dream and forget about it?" Dad said not believing anything

"What about this? Remember all the neat stuff inside?" Charlie said handing dad the snow globe that Bernard had given him

"Charlie, this is a toy. We used to make things like this at work, but no one bought 'em. Here. I don't wanna talk about this any more." Dad says as he hands me the snow globe. It's still as beautiful as ever.

And that's it for chapter 7!!! Sorry it's a bit short! Thanks for reading and thank y'all sooooo much for 3k reads it means sm to me, thank you!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

-sen <3

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