Chapter 9: Descent

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Golden light from the setting sun sparkled on Martha's flowers. Their pleasant scent was a kind refrain from the rotten smell of the rest of the Satellite. I wandered about the area, appreciating a moment of silence.

A child's voice broke it. "Hey, Rain!"

"Um, hi." The kid was a newer addition to the orphans living with Martha. He and a couple of the older children hopped in front of me.

"You're that chick with the cool powers, right?" the new kid asked. "Can you show me? Pleeease?"

"Sure." I pressed Blue-Eyes White Dragon onto my duel disk. He burst to life and sniffed at the children. The two kids who hadn't spoken screamed and fled. The new kid laughed at him. He rubbed the Blue-Eyes' head, enticing the dragon's purr.

"This is so awesome," he said. "I bet you use them all the time!"

"Well, no," I muttered. "They're not things to be used. They're my friends, and we work together. Kind of like Team Satisfaction."

The other child said, "You guys are super amazing duelists! I want to be just like you someday!"

I twirled a strand of my white hair around my finger. "Um..."

"I'm sure you will be!" An arm slung around my shoulder. Kalin pulled me close, and his grin was brilliant. He had two black bundles tucked under his other arm. "Mind if I steal Rain from you? We have some work to do."

"Y-you're Kalin Kessler!"

"In the flesh."

The kid gaped at us. "Y-you two are legendary! Would you tag duel me and my friend?"

"No can do," he said with a wag of his finger. Kalin interlaced his fingers with mine and led me away. "The Satellite needs us."

When we were far away from the cottage, I said, "Hi, partner."

"Hello!" He stopped, let me go, and covered his mouth with his gloved hand. He looked into my eyes, and his were darkened by the sun's now-red light. "Rain, you shouldn't show your power to everyone like that."

"I shouldn't? I thought you were only talking about duels when you said..." Though his hand covered his expression, the tilt of his eyes suggested concern. "Okay. Sorry."

"No need to apologize!" His smile was back in a flash, and he stole my hand again. We slipped into a narrow alley. He dropped a bundle and pulled the other over his head. The dark cloak hung on him loosely. "Our first food distributions are tomorrow, and I heard a tip that a couple members of an old gang are trying to ruin one. I set up a trap. We're catching them in the act, which means being sneaky. Think you can manage that?"

I whispered, "Yeah."

Kalin laughed. "I know you can! Here, put this on. You're too eye-catching."

"Didn't think it would ever be an issue," I grumbled while pulling the mantle over my head.

"It's not." Soft lips planted a kiss on my forehead. Heat rose to my face. "You're beautiful."

"Y-you really think so?"

He tilted his head. "You're joking. I thought I made it obvious."

"When you say it..." I stared at my feet. "I really believe it."

The slanting light hit his toothy smile. "Follow me."

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