Chapter 8: Actions Speak

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            Raindrops from the previous night's bout of bad weather dripped from tree leaves. Mild fog drifted through the Domino streets. Gray clouds blanketed the sky, and a blue haze permeated the distance.

Yugi's mouth curled down. What a terrible day for a tournament match. A drop of water burst against the tip of his nose. He jumped, placed a hand over his beating heart, and moved away from the tree he stood under.

"Calm down, Yugi."

The pharaoh's spirit appeared cool and collected with a hand in his pocket. Yugi said, "How can I? Last time, we barely scraped by Weevil's Seal of Orichalcos. I don't like the guy, but seeing him lose his soul is terrible. Today, we're facing another one of them."

"Our opponent is a Seal user?"

Yugi nodded. "He used it in the last round. His name is Rafael."

"As long as we keep our wits about us, we have nothing to fear."

Yugi wondered how his partner kept up his constant reassurances in the face of adversity. Especially on a gloomy day like today, Yugi would rather crawl back into bed and bury himself under the blankets.

So long as the Orichalcos threatened those beyond himself, he had to be brave.

Something bonked against his head. He yelped and clapped his hands over his scalp. He caught the round object. His thumbs unfurled to reveal a small, green apple in his palm. Yugi glanced up. A miracle branch was twisted far and away from the trunk. The stem from the apple it once bore stuck downward like a disapproving thumb.

His violet eyes tilted down as he observed the apple. Rotten luck to start off a rotten day, he supposed. His focus drifted up to the meandering citizens on the nearby sidewalk.

A shock of white hair caught his attention. He gasped and sprinted forward. Yugi exclaimed, "Rahlin!"

When she turned towards him, he saw... not what he was expecting. Her cheeks were bright red, her hand clutched her stomach, and her ducked head caused her bangs to shadow her eye. The corners of her mouth trembled. She exhaled a lengthy trail of breath. "Prince. Smaller prince clone. G'morning."

"My name's Yugi," he muttered. "W-wait, you can see-"

She spun on her heel and cracked the foot of her cane against the pavement. Rahlin wrapped her arm around her waist and bowed. "I understand you likely have many questions and concerns regarding me, but I ask as respectfully as possible: please do not question me at this time. I mean, um, I can't exactly run away, and I have a hard time ignoring people because, I mean, that's rude, and I'm just really nervous, and I guess I'd just appreciate being left alone to my misery."

Yugi blinked. Rahlin had been shaking during her ramble. He said, "You're worried? Oh, that's right. You're up against Mai today. You two are friends, aren't you?"

Rahlin straightened and shouted, "I wouldn't say so! I mean, saying you're friends assumes a lot. Er, about her. That's not just something you can say!"

She clutched at her midsection. Pain flashed down her expression. Yugi said, "Oh, gosh. Are you hurt?"

"What? Me? No. I, I just realized I might be late or get lost. She was already gone, and... food isn't easy to come by."

Yugi held out his hand without hesitation. "Would this help?"

Rahlin stared at the apple. She reached forward, withdrew her hand, and thought better of it to accept the gift. "Um. Thanks."

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